Import expediting data - Intergraph Smart Materials - 10.4 - Help - Hexagon

Intergraph Smart Materials Help (10.4)

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Expediting data can be imported from an Excel spreadsheet.

Only files generated by the Excel export as described in the previous chapter can be imported.

  1. Click the Expediting task on the dashboard or select Expediting from the Tasks list.

  2. Select an agreement.

  3. Select the Item Shipment Details tab.

  4. Click the Import button.

  5. Click Import File SMat_Select_Record ICON, and select the Excel file you want to import.

  6. Optionally, select additional option(s) if you want to

    • update agreement line items,

    • update heat number quantities,

    • update final inspection dates,

    • populate the changes to details tags,

    • recalculate forecasted delivery dates.

  7. If project default ZP_SPL_SI is set to Y, and you want to create supplementary items for all splits with the import, select Split Tag / Supplementary Items.

    If a tagged item was already split before the import, additional splits will be created in the same way as the original split.

  8. Click Import to launch the import.

  9. To close the dialog, click Finish.

  10. Navigate to the Summary tab and check the import job status under Job Summary.

    • To refresh, click Reload Refresh.

    • To view the errors caused by the import, click Show Errors in the Errors column.

    • To view the log file of the job, click the link in the Log File column.