View PPL details - Intergraph Smart Materials - 10.4 - Help - Hexagon

Intergraph Smart Materials Help (10.4)

Intergraph Smart Materials
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  1. Select Traffic from the Tasks list.

  2. Select Agreements from the list under Traffic Coordination.

    To view PPL details for an engineering requisition or a planned requisition select Engineering Requisitions or Planned Requisitions.

  3. Click a PPL number from the PPL/Packing List Number column. The Preliminary Package Numbers, Status, Originator, and the User Name are displayed in the left side. The PPL Header Details tab displays the PPL details. It also displays the delivery details of the PPL and the container characteristics. If you have ownership, you can edit the PPL details from here.

    Originator indicates if the PPL was created by the supplier or the traffic coordinator. Supplier is considered to be the originator of a PPL, only when the supplier has created the PPL or submitted the PPL. For all other situations, traffic coordinator is considered as the originator of the PPL. The User Name identifies the user who has created the PPL.

    SHARED Tip If the PPL status is Resubmission Requested, then Accept and Decline buttons are available in this page. You can accept or decline the resubmission request, by clicking the appropriate button.

  4. Click the Packages tab to view the preliminary packages for the selected PPL.

    • You can create a new preliminary package by clicking create_preliminary_package.

    • You can delete a preliminary package by selecting it and clicking delete_preliminary_package.

    • You can edit details of a package by clicking the required box in the grid.

  5. Click the Transport Documents tab to view the documents that are attached with the PPL.

  6. In the Preliminary Packing section, click a preliminary package under the PPL to view its details on the Details tab.

  7. Click the Package Items tab to view the items in the selected preliminary package.

    • You can add an item to a preliminary package by clicking create_ppl and delete an item by clicking delete_preliminary_package.

    • You can move an item to a different package by clicking Move_package_item and selecting the target package or by selecting New Package. Selecting New Package creates a new preliminary package automatically.