Edit supplier's contacts - Intergraph Smart Materials - 10.4 - Help - Hexagon

Intergraph Smart Materials Help (10.4)

Intergraph Smart Materials
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Smart Materials/Smart Reference Data Version

You can view and edit the supplier's contacts information in the Contacts section on the Information Center panel.

The contact information you enter here is not visible in Smart Materials Classic, because this functional enhancement is not available there.

  1. To send an email to the contact, click his name.

    Your email client creates an email, addressed to the contact, and with the agreement number as email subject. Type the email text and send the email.

  2. To view all contact information, click Manage Contacts.

    A dialog opens, displaying all information of the Expediting, Inspection and Purchasing contacts.

    At the bottom, you can edit the dates of the Last Contact and Next Contact with the supplier.

  3. To enter the expediting, inspection, or purchasing contact of your supplier, type or select the name in the Name box, and type the position, phone number, and department.

  4. Click Save.