Edit inspection release certificates (IRCs) - Intergraph Smart Materials - 10.2 - Help - Hexagon

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On this screen you create, edit, approve, and delete inspection release certificates (IRCs). Additionally, you assign item shipments to the IRC.

If project default ZP_IRCAPRQ is set to Y or T, you can only add, edit and delete IRCs if you are assigned to the agreement as inspector (on the Information Center in the Expediting and Inspection Details section, see Edit expediting and inspection details).

  1. Click the Expediting task on the dashboard or select Expediting from the Tasks list.

  2. Select an agreement.

  3. Click Inspection and Shipping Releases.

  4. Click IRCs.

    All inspection release certificates assigned to the agreement are displayed.

Create an IRC

  1. Click Add IRC Com_Add ICON.

  2. Type the IRC number in the IRC Number cell.

  3. Click IRC Date Com_DateAndTime ICON and select the date when the IRC was created.

    The IRC date must be greater than or equal to the agreement approval date.

  4. Click Actual Inspection Date Com_DateAndTime ICON and select the date when the inspection was performed.

    The actual inspection date must be earlier than or equal to the IRC date.

  5. Click Save.

SHARED Tip To delete an IRC, click Delete IRC ICON Remove.

Assign and edit IRC properties and CIPs

With the use of attached properties you can provide additional information in a flexible way.

Properties assigned to the IRC grid via role are displayed in the Properties section. Customer-Installed Procedures assigned to the IRC grid via role are displayed in the CIPs section.

For adding properties or property sets, editing or deleting properties, proceed as follows.

  1. Select an IRC.

  2. Click Manage Properties Com_Properties ICON.

  3. To add a new property, do the following:

    1. Click Add Property Com_Add ICON.

    2. Click Group Com_LOV_Add ICON and select a property group.

    3. Click Name Com_LOV_Add ICON and select a property.

    4. Type a property value in the Value box.

      SHARED Tip If a select list was defined for the property, you can click Com_LOV_Add ICON to select a valid value.

    5. Click Save.

  4. To add a pre-defined set of properties, do the following:

    1. Click Add Property Set Com_Set_Add ICON.

    2. Select the property set.

    3. Clear the check boxes of the properties which shall not be added.

    4. Click Add.

  5. To remove properties, do the following:

    1. Select the property you want to remove.

  6. Click Delete Property ICON Remove.

Add comments to IRC

  1. Click Comments Com_Comments ICON.

  2. To add a new comment, proceed as follows:

    1. Type a sequence number in the Seq box.

    2. Type the comment in the Comment box.

    3. Click Add Comment Com_Publish ICON.

    4. Click Save.

  • To remove a comment, click the X above.

  • To sort the displayed comments, select Ascending or Descending at the top right.

Assign item shipments to the IRC

  1. Select an IRC.

  2. Click the IRC number to view the IRC details.

  3. Click Add Item Shipment Com_Add ICON.

    Only item shipments are displayed that are not on a MCS with a date beyond the IRC date.

  4. (Optional) Select Copy item shipments from MCS and select an MCS number from the list.

    Only item shipments on the selected MCS appear.

  5. Select the check box of the item shipments you want to add to the IRC.

    SHARED Tip Select the check box in the header to mark all displayed item shipments.

  6. Click Add to add the selected item shipments to the IRC.

  7. If required, change the quantity in the IRC Quantity cell.

    • If you change the quantity to a value less than the item shipment quantity, the quantity of the original item shipment is reduced to the IRC quantity, and a new item shipment is created with the delta quantity (original quantity - IRC quantity).

    • If project default ZP_IRC_INC default is not set or set to 0 (zero), the item shipment quantity is the highest allowed IRC quantity value. If ZP_IRC_INC is set to a value greater than 0 (zero), the highest allowed value is given by the following formula:

      Item ship quantity * ((100 + ZP_IRC_INC)/100)

      For example, if ZP_IRC_INC is set to 50, you can increase the IRC quantity up to 150% of the current item shipment quantity.

      If then the IRC quantity is greater than the current item shipment quantity, the IRC quantity is copied over as the new item shipment quantity. If the IRC was created based on a MCS, this applies also to the MCS quantity.

  8. If required, change the weight in the IRC Weight cell.

    Changing the IRC weight automatically re-calculates the Total IRC Weight.

  9. Click Save.

  10. Click the Description tab to view the ident short description and the ident deviation of the selected item shipment.

  11. Click the Schedule tab to display the planned, forecasted, and actual delivery date of the selected item shipment.

  12. Click All IRC Documents to return to the IRC overview.

Assign and edit item shipment properties and CIPs

With the use of attached properties you can provide additional information in a flexible way.

Properties assigned to the IRC Details grid via role are displayed in the Properties section. Customer-Installed Procedures assigned to the IRC Details grid via role are displayed in the CIPs section.

For adding properties or property sets, editing or deleting properties, proceed as follows:

  1. Select an item shipment.

  2. Click Manage Properties Com_Properties ICON.

  3. To add a new property, do the following:

    1. Click Add Property Com_Add ICON.

    2. Click Group Com_LOV_Add ICON and select a property group.

    3. Click Name Com_LOV_Add ICON and select a property.

    4. Type a property value in the Value box.

      SHARED Tip If a select list was defined for the property, you can click Com_LOV_Add ICON to select a valid value.

    5. Click Save.

  4. To add a pre-defined set of properties, do the following:

    1. Click Add Property Set Com_Set_Add ICON.

    2. Select the property set.

    3. Clear the check boxes of the properties which shall not be added.

    4. Click Add.

  5. To remove properties, do the following:

    1. Select the property you want to remove.

    2. Click Delete Property ICON Remove.

Add comments to IRC details

  1. Select an item shipment.

  2. Click Comments Com_Comments ICON.

  3. To add a new comment, proceed as follows:

    1. Type a sequence number in the Seq box.

    2. Type the comment in the Comment box.

    3. Click Add Comment Com_Publish ICON.

    4. Click Save.

  • To remove a comment, click the X above.

  • To sort the displayed comments, select Ascending or Descending at the top right.

Attach documents to the IRC

You can attach documents to IRCs by uploading files or using documents that are stored in the database.

  1. Select an IRC.

  2. On the Documents tab, do the following:

Attach files

  1. Click Attach Com_Attach ICON > Attach File.

  2. Select file(s) and click Open.

  3. If needed, adjust the sequence in the Seq box.

  4. Optionally, update the document name in the Document Code cell.

  5. Optionally, type a document revision number in the Revision cell.

  6. Optionally, type the document description in the Short Description and Description cells.

  7. Optionally, update the date when the document was created in the Creation Date cell.

  8. Optionally, enter the number of pages of the document in the No. Pages cell.

  9. Optionally, enter the author of the document in the Author cell.

  10. Click Save.

SHARED Tip Click the filename to open and view the file.

  • The Highest Rev check box indicates if the highest revision of this document is attached. If this check box is not marked, a higher revision of this document is available.

  • The Changed check box indicates if the document has changed compared to the previous supplement. If a previous supplement (of the requisition, inquiry, agreement) exists, the check box is marked if any change has been applied to the document. This means that either the document revision has changed or that any change has been applied to the VDRs of a document. The check box is also marked if the document was added on a supplement greater than 0 (zero).

  • The Path Type shows where the document is stored: D (Database), P (Physical location in the file system). If path type is P, the path of the file is displayed in the Source Path cell.

  • The COR Number is only of interest if you are looking at the documents that are assigned to a change order (CO). This field contains the name/number of the COR (change order request) to which the document was originally assigned and which was converted into the CO that you are now viewing.

Add links

  1. Click Attach Com_Attach ICON > Add Link.

  2. Click Destination Com_LOV_Add ICON and select a pre-defined network path or share from the list.

  3. Click File Name SMat_Select_Record ICON and select a file.

  4. Click Add Link.

  5. Click Save.

Attach documents

  1. Click Attach Com_Attach ICON > Attach Document.

  2. Optionally, update the sequence in the Seq cell.

  3. Click Document Code Com_LOV_Add ICON and select a document.

  4. Click Save.

Attach hyperlinks

  1. Click Attach Com_Attach ICON > Attach Hyperlink.

  2. Optionally, update the sequence in the Seq cell.

  3. Type a document name in the Document Code cell.

  4. Type a valid hyperlink in the File Name cell.

  5. Click Save.

Create document revisions

  1. Select a document.

  2. Click Attach Com_Attach ICON > Create Revision.

  3. If needed, update the automatically generated revision.

  4. Click Create Revision.

The details of the document revision must be edited in the D.10.11 Documents screen in Smart Materials classic.

Attach document sets

  1. Click Attach Document Set Com_Set_Add ICON.

  2. Select the document set.

  3. Optionally, remove documents from the set by clearing the check box.

  4. Click Add.

  5. Optionally, update the sequence in the Seq cell.

  6. Click Save.

Remove documents

  1. Select document(s).

  2. Click Remove Document ICON Remove.

  3. Click Save.

Approve an IRC

If project default ZP_IRCAPRQ is set to Y, an IRC must be approved to assign it to a release note. If ZP_IRCAPRQ is set to N (default), IRC data can be changed at any time by any user, and an approval of the IRC is not required to continue the workflow. If ZP_IRCAPRD is set to T, the behavior is the same as if it is set to Y. Additionally, on the IRC approval, emails are sent to the project traffic coordinators to notify them, that they can create release notes.

  1. Select an IRC that is not approved.

  2. Select the Ready for Approval check box.

  3. Click Save.

    • You can no longer change the IRC.

    • An email is sent to the expediter of the order with a notification that the IRC is ready for approval.

  4. Optionally, type a comment in the Comment box.

  5. Click Approve.

    Approved By and Approved Date are filled with your username and the current date.

    • Only users having the IRC APPROVAL privilege can approve an IRC.

    • If project default ZP_IRCAPRQ is set to Y or T, approved IRCs can only be edited by the user who is assigned to the agreement as expediter (on the Information Center in the Expediting and Inspection Details section, see Edit expediting and inspection details).

Reverse the IRC approval

  1. Select an approved IRC.

  2. Click Reverse Approval.

    • Only users having the IRC APPROVAL privilege can reverse the approval of an IRC.

    • If ZP_IRCAPRQ is set to Y or T, the approval can only be reversed if none of the item shipments assigned to the IRC is assigned to a release note.