Below CIPs give you a provision to change the default logic and implement your own logic in the custom package m_pck_ecosys_custom.
get_cost_per_ivcd_lineitem: Gets the cost value of an invoice line item.
get_cost_per_ivc_other_costs: Gets the cost value of other cost of an invoice.
get_ivc_ac_cost: Gets the cost value of additional invoice item of an invoice.
get_ivc_ac_acc_code: Gets the account code related to additional invoice item of an invoice.
get_ivc_columns: Use to map the EcoSys attributes with Smart Materials columns i.e. in CIP, Ecolname is mapped with SmatcolName.
The Ecolname in CIP should match with the EcoSys attribute name in InvoiceDetails API and is case-sensitive.
The SmatcolName in CIP is Smart Materials column name in MVW_ECO_IVC_LINE_ITEMS view.