Workflow in Smart Materials - Intergraph Smart Materials - 2.3 - Administration & Configuration - Hexagon

Intergraph Smart Materials EcoSys Integration (2.3)

Intergraph Smart Materials
EcoSys Integration
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Administration & Configuration
Version Smart Materials Web API

In Smart Materials, agreements are created on the P.50.01 Maintain Agreements screen, All the agreements which are approved in Smart Materials and having an EcoSys Account Code assigned at the header level are posted to EcoSys Commitments with the Type Id ‘PO’.

All the line item other costs, line items, header other costs, and header discount of a valid agreement (as mentioned above) are sent to EcoSys with either the EcoSys account code if it has, or an Account code available at the agreement header level as below.

Agreement Line Items, line item other costs, header other costs and header discount are sent as separate lines to EcoSys. By default, line item discounted price is saved as cost in EcoSys. This can be modified using the CIP m_pck_ecosys_custom.get_cost_per_lineitem.

Other costs at agreement header and agreement line items will be controlled by project defaults ZI_E_PHOC and ZI_E_PLOC. The other costs will be added as separate line items under the same Commitment in EcoSys.

Agreement Header details in Smart Materials


Agreement Line Item details in Smart Materials



Commitments in EcoSys


In the above snapshot, it can be observed that:

  • The value highlighted in yellow is Agreement Header Discount which is sent as separate line to EcoSys with the description as 'Header Discount'.

  • The value highlighted in red having valid Line ID value and other cost description is line item other cost sent as separate line to EcoSys.

  • The value highlighted in red not having any value for Line ID (N/A) and other cost description is header other cost sent as separate line to EcoSys.

  • The remaining lines with valid Line IDs represent Agreement line items.