CIP - Intergraph Smart Materials - 2.3 - Administration & Configuration - Hexagon

Intergraph Smart Materials EcoSys Integration (2.3)

Intergraph Smart Materials
EcoSys Integration
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Administration & Configuration
Version Smart Materials Web API

Below CIPs give you a provision to change the default logic and implement your own logic in the custom package m_pck_ecosys_custom.

  • get_po_columns:Use to map the EcoSys attributes with Smart Materials columns i.e. in CIP, Ecolname is mapped with SmatcolName.

    • The Ecolname in CIP should match with the EcoSys attribute name in AgreementHeader API and is case-sensitive.

    • The SmatcolName in CIP is Smart Materials column name in MVW_ECO_PO_HEADERS view.

  • get_poli_columns:Use to map the EcoSys attributes with Smart Materials columns i.e. in CIP, Ecolname is mapped with SmatcolName.

    • The Ecolname in CIP should match with the EcoSys attribute name in AgreementLineItems API and is case-sensitive.

    • The SmatcolName in CIP is Smart Materials column name in MVW_ECO_PO_LINE_ITEMS view.

  • get_po_li_modifiers: Through this CIP, you can include list of attributes required to identify modified Line Items and Line Items which must be nullified (cost and quantity) and sent again. The CIP has two arguments.

  • p_poli_nullify: This attribute holds the list of columns required to nullify the Line Items to EcoSys. Default list of attributes include CURRENCY, COSTACCOUNTID and WBSPATHID which are used to identify unique account codes. You can add the additional columns, change in which should nullify the LINE IDs sent to EcoSys.

  • p_poli_modify: This attribute holds the list of columns required to identify the modified LineItems. Default list of attributes include COST and QUANTITY. If Line Item’s COST or QUANTITY is changed, it is sent to EcoSys as new item. You can add more columns to this list of columns.

    The attribute names specified in the CIP should match with column names in the Smart Materials views. The order of existing attributes should not be changed.

  • load_agreement_type: You can filter the type of agreements which needs to be posted to EcoSys. The default logic is to send agreements which are approved.

  • get_cost_per_lineitem: This procedure implements the logic to calculate the cost per agreement Line Item. You can implement individual logic to calculate the Cost per Line Item.

  • get_progress: You can post the PROGRESS column of an agreement to EcoSys.

  • get_createdby: You can post the CREATED_BY column of an agreement to EcoSys.