Inspection Work Process - Intergraph Smart Materials - 10.1 - Training - Hexagon

Intergraph Smart Materials Classic Lab Tutorials (10.1)

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Open the P.70.71 Expediter Workload screen and select a purchase order.

SHARED Tip You can use the display context to reduce the number of displayed orders.


After selecting the PO, click Order Reference.

The message below will come up the first time the screen is opened if no level has been assigned yet.

Click OK twice, once for expediting level and once for inspection level.


Use the LOV to select the appropriate level.

Once the levels are selected and saved, when selecting the Inspection Events tab, you can see that events have been entered and dates set according to the settings. These dates can be adjusted by using the LOV calendar to ensure the dates are in line with the ITP.


When a date is within 14 days from today (as shown in the above example), a mark will automatically appear on P.70.71 under the Insp. Event header.


Only events marked as critical will cause the mark to appear.

So when the inspection coordinator opens this screen in the morning, the first thing he/she will see is if there are any action points regarding inspection.


When the activity has been completed and the actual date has been entered (use the LOV for calendar), after refreshing the screen the mark will disappear.


Now, when the next event is due within a window of 14 days, a mark will automatically appear.