Check Requisition Header Information - Intergraph Smart Materials - 10.1 - Training - Hexagon

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The requisition header information is displayed on Window 1 of the R.30.01 Maintain Requisitions screen. Check and complete this header information before you continue with the requisition line items.

The fields displayed on Window 1 are listed below. For more information, see Requisition Overview.

Engineering Requisition

This field shows the name/number of the requisition created by the MTO job according to the assigned rule.


The supplement is set to 0 (zero) by default for the first requisition supplement; this value cannot be changed. New supplements are created with an increment of 1.


Select this indicator if this requisition is used for both purchasing and inquiries. Clear this indicator if this requisition is used only for inquiries.


The origin represents the office that is the originator of the requisition and is responsible for the information. By default, the value assigned to the project default ZX_ORIGIN is filled in when creating the requisition; this value can be changed. You can double-click in this field to open the A.10.33 Origins screen, where the origins are defined.

MR Rev

The MR revision indicates a document change and is set automatically by the MTO job; it is controlled by the values entered in the PO MR Scheme (MR revision scheme for purchase requisitions) and INQ MR Scheme (MR Revision scheme for inquiry requisitions) fields on R.10.41 Nodes and Templates Window 2. If these fields are empty, the MR revision starts with 0 (zero) in the case of a purchase requisition and with A in the case of an inquiry requisition.

SR Rev

The SR revision indicates a quantity change and is set automatically by the MTO job; it is controlled by the values entered in the PO SR Scheme (SR revision scheme for purchase requisitions) and INQ SR Scheme (SR revision scheme for inquiry requisitions) fields on R.10.41 Nodes and Templates Window 2. If these fields are empty, the SR revision starts with 0 (zero) in the case of a purchase requisition and with A in the case of an inquiry requisition.


This check box indicates a balance requisition created by a balance MTO job.

Requisition Type

The type of the requisition is set to ‘Order’ by the MTO job; you can change the requisition type.

Agreement Type

Select the type of the agreement from the LOV in this field. The types that are available depend on the requisition type, the purchase indicator of the requisition, and the project default ZP_CONSPCI.

Pricing Type

To assign a pricing type to the requisition, select it from the LOV in this field. You can double-click in this field to open the P.10.66 Pricing Types screen, where the pricing types are defined.


The status defined as the default is set automatically when the MTO job creates a new requisition. To change the status, select a value from the LOV in this field. You can double-click in this field to open the R.10.11 Req Status screen, where the statuses are defined. The status defined as the production status is set automatically when you release the requisition to procurement.

Release Context

With the selection of the release context, you specify for a purchase requisition which requisition line items are released to procurement when you release the requisition. By default, the release context is set to ‘All Quantities’ for a new requisition. For inquiry-only requisitions, the release context is not relevant. All line items with these characteristics are released: (1) the increased quantity is not 0 (zero) and the Allow RTP check box is selected or (2) the Force RTP check box is selected.

Use this option in conjunction with the Scope of Interest field on the R.20.01 MTO Jobs screen. If you select ‘Shortage Quantities’ there, the MTO job only calculates shortage quantities and thus the requisition contains only line items with shortage quantities.

Rel To Proc

The date when this engineering requisition was released to procurement is automatically stored in the Rel To Proc field by the software when you click the Release button. If the Rel To Proc field is filled, it indicates that the requisition was released to procurement.

A released requisition can only be unreleased on the R.40.11 Requisition Tools screen by changing the status.

Buy Cycle

You can select the name of the requisition buy cycle from the LOV in this field. You can double-click in this field to open the R.10.12 Req Buy Cycles screen, where buy cycles are defined. The buy cycle can be used for reporting purposes; it is not used anywhere else in Smart Materials.


Indicator that shows whether notes are attached to this requisition. You can double-click this check box to open the D.30.21 Attached Notes screen.

TE Rqd

Select this ‘Technical Evaluation required’ indicator if the bids based on this requisition must be committed by a technical engineer before the quote can be approved.

Because TE Rqd is specified in the E&PI (Req) module, the technical evaluation is usually under the control of the engineering department. This information cannot be changed later and therefore ensures that the agreement cannot be released without technical approval.


Select this ‘Ready for Approval’ indicator if the engineering requisition is completed and ready for approval. If the project default ZR_ADV_APP is set to Y, the requisition can only be approved if this check box is set.

Approved Date

When this engineering requisition is approved, the date of approval is stored in this field by the approval procedure.

Only users with the ER APPROVAL privilege can approve requisitions or reverse the approval. Reverse approval is only possible for requisitions that are not released to procurement.

Approved by

The name of the user who approved this engineering requisition is stored in this field by the approval procedure.


The name of the user who created the engineering requisition is automatically stored in this field. You can overwrite this value.

Template Set

Email messages can be generated based on the requisition for any purpose required by the project. You can use the LOV in this field to assign an email template set to the requisition. You can double-click in this field to open the A.10.53 Email Template Sets screen, where email template sets are defined.

Matl/Work Group

Suppliers can be categorized in the MSCM module in several ways. One category is the material/work groups they have been ‘qualified’ to supply. This assignment makes the process of selecting bidders more reliable and simple. The material/work group entered here is set as the default in the Matl/Work Group field on the Suggested Bidders tab on Window 2 of this screen and thus restricts the list of available bidders to bidders assigned to the selected material/work group. You can double-click in this field to open the P.10.42 Material/Work Groups screen, where material/work groups are defined.


The revision of the selected material/work group is displayed in this field.


A section can be used to restrict access to a requisition for users in MSCM. You can select a section from the LOV in this field, and you can double-click in this field to open the P.10.36 Sections screen, where sections are defined.


With a category, requisitions can be globally categorized, for example, by bulk, tag, or service requisitions. You can select a category from the LOV in this field, and you can double-click in this field to open the R.10.14 Req Categories screen, where categories are defined.

Account Code

The advantage of assigning requisitions to an account code is that financial reporting can be done against the subsequent purchasing of the material. The account code can also be linked in later modules of Smart Materials. Account codes can also be assigned at the requisition line item level, not only at the header. You can select an account code from the LOV in this field, and you can double-click in this field to open the A.10.30 Account Codes screen, where account codes are defined.

Original Budget

This field can be used, for example, for estimated values or for a total budget greater than the total of the line item budget values, to have a kind of buffer.

Total Budget

The Total Budget value is calculated by the software as the sum of all line item budget values of this engineering requisition. It cannot be inserted or updated manually.


When a new requisition is created, the currency of the budgets is automatically copied into this field, using the value assigned to project default ZX_CURCY. You can change this value.

Blanket Order

Blanket orders can only be assigned to engineering requisitions of type ‘Order’ and with the Purchase indicator selected. You can select the blanket order from the LOV in this field.

Master Agreement

Master agreements can only be assigned to engineering requisitions of type ‘Subcontract’ and with the Purchase indicator selected. You can select the master agreement from the LOV in this field.

Inquiry Requisition

You can link an inquiry requisition to a purchase requisition using the LOV in this field. Linking a purchase requisition to an inquiry requisition allows procurement to create agreements based on the quotes that have previously been created for the inquiry requisition. Thus, it is possible to use the results of the inquiry cycle such as costs, attachments, or commercial conditions in the agreements. When a purchase requisition with supplement 0 is approved, if this requisition has not been linked to an inquiry requisition, a corresponding warning appears, allowing you to cancel the approval procedure and create this link. But you can also approve a requisition without this link.

Milestone Set

Milestone sets created in the MSCM module can be linked to a requisition by selecting the set from the LOV in this field. In this way, the milestone dates referring to the requisition can be automatically completed, for example, the requisition approval date, issue date, and so forth. You can double-click in this field to open the P.10.62 Milestone Sets screen, where milestone sets are defined.

MS Link

The MS Link indicator shows whether a milestone link between the milestone set and the requisition is present or exists. If a requisition was planned on the P.60.03 Requisitions Planning screen, a milestone link is present. If the milestones have already been created and forecasted, the link may even already exist. This milestone link is created automatically by the MTO job when the project default ZP_MS_CRT is set to Y.

Expediting Level

To assign an expediting level to the requisition, select it from the LOV in this field. You can double-click in this field to open the P.10.55 Expediting Levels screen, where expediting levels are defined (type Expediting).

Inspection Level

To assign an inspection level to the requisition, select it from the LOV in this field. You can double-click in this field to open the P.10.55 Expediting Levels screen, where inspection levels are defined (type Inspection).

Criticality Level

To assign a criticality level to the requisition, select it from the LOV in this field. You can double-click in this field to open the P.10.55 Expediting Levels screen, where criticality levels are defined (type Criticality).

Short Desc/Description

When you change the short description/description of an MTO requisition, a dialog box appears.

Click the Keep on further Suppl button if the short description/description should be reused in the next supplement of the MTO requisition. The MTO job now ignores the requisition description rule and uses the manually updated requisition short description and description from the previous requisition supplement. Click the Update only this Suppl button if your changes should be applied to the current supplement only. To cancel the update, click the Cancel button.

Req Node Path

The path of the requisition in the requisition nodes tree is inserted by the MTO job in this field and cannot be changed.

MTO Type

The MTO type of the MTO job that created this requisition is displayed in this field.


The MTO job that created this requisition is displayed in this field.

Created On

The creation date of the requisition is inserted in this field by the software and cannot be changed.

CIP execution indicators

Several check boxes indicate if the related CIP has been executed by the MTO job for the selected requisition.


If you want to release multiple requisitions in one step, select the Release check box for these requisitions and click the Release button.

Button Bar

At the bottom of the screen you can find a button bar.

The functionality of these buttons is described below.

Order By ...

With this button, you can change the order by criteria for the displayed records. Click the button to open a LOV that shows all columns currently visible on the screen. Select the field that you want the data to be sorted by first and click OK. The LOV is displayed again to allow you to select the field to be used as a second sorting criterion. In this way, you can select up to four fields by which the data is to be sorted. Click the Cancel button if you don’t want to add a further field. The software automatically performs your last query again, this time using the specified new order by criteria.

The data is always sorted in an ascending order.

The order by criteria that are used are displayed in the Ordered by field at the top of the screen.

Update Description

Click this button to update the description of the selected requisition for the login language. The description is generated by the same rule the MTO uses.


Using the Copy button, you can copy either the line items and attachments of an inquiry requisition to the current requisition, or you can copy the attachments like documents, text and terms, VDRs, notes, and attributes from another requisition to the current requisition.

Approve / Release

This button is described in the Approve and Release Requisition chapter.

Approval Sequence

This button is described in the Approve and Release Requisition chapter.

Create PO Req

You can click this button to create a new requisition for purchase for the selected requisition.

New Supplement

When you click this button, a new supplement is created for the selected engineering requisition. The new supplement contains all the line items, attachments, and attributes of the previous supplement. Even the BOM trace is copied. The status of the new supplement is set to the status defined as the default for the login discipline. The newly created supplement can be processed like any other requisition not yet approved and released to procurement.


Click the Attachments button to open the D.90.21 Attachments screen, which allows you to maintain the attachments (documents, text and terms, VDRs, and attributes) of an engineering requisition.