Material Receipts - Intergraph Smart Materials - Version 10.2 - Help - Hexagon

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A material receipt (MR) is generated when the material is received from the original supplier.

For each stopover of the materials supply before reaching the construction site, a material receipt is created. Examples for intermediate stops in the supply chain are the fabricator, the packer, the embarkation, and so forth. If the material is delivered directly to the site, there must not be any MR created. The material receipts will be used in planning as a means of conveyance.

An MR is not the same as an MRR (Material Receiving Report). For more information about MRRs, see Material Receiving.

MRs are defined and maintained on the P.80.11 Materials Receipts screen.

Select the destination of the stopover from the LOV in the Destination field in the first (Destinations) block. The destination descriptions are displayed in the Short Desc and Description fields.

In the second (Material Receipts) block, you can create the MRs for the selected destination.

Enter the name (number) of the material receipt in the MR Number field. If a closed MR must be revised, click the Revision button to create a copy of the selected MR with a revision number increased by 1. This button is only enabled for the highest revision of the MR. Moreover, this revision must be closed. The MR revision is displayed in the Rev field.

To close an MR, click the Close button. The current date will automatically be inserted in the Closed Date field. A closed MR cannot be modified any longer. You must create a revision of the MR if changes are needed.

When you create a new MR, the Recv Status field is automatically filled with the receiving status assigned to the project default ZC_STATUS. To overwrite this status, select a receiving status from the LOV in this field. Receiving statuses are defined on the C.10.06 Site Material Status screen. Select the date the material was received and the material receipt created from the LOV in the Recv Date field.

Enter the total weight of the items on this material receipt in the Weight field, and select the weight unit from the LOV in the Weight Unit field. All units defined on A.10.12 for the 'WEIGHT' unit group are available for selection.

Enter the total volume of the items on this material receipt in the Volume field, and select the volume unit from the LOV in the Volume Unit field. All units defined on A.10.12 for the 'VOLUME' unit group are available for selection.

If you want to receive based on a release note, select the release note from the LOV in the Release Note field. Then you can click the Populate Release Note button to populate the MR line items with all item shipments of the assigned release note. This button is only enabled if you have assigned a release note to the MR, if the MR revision is 0, if no MR lines exist so far, and if the MR is not closed. Only item shipments with an expected quantity greater than zero are taken into account. The expected quantity is calculated using the quantities already received on site.

To receive based on a purchase order, select the name (number) of the purchase order or notice of commitment from the LOV in the Order Number field. All approved notices of commitment for which no purchase order has been created and all approved purchase orders are available.

The Suppl field displays the supplement number of the selected order. If the project default ZP_COSUPPL is set to N (default value), the supplement number of the order itself is displayed, even if COs have been created for the order and approved already. If ZP_COSUPPL is set to Y, the supplement number of the highest approved change order is shown. In any case, only the data of the latest change order is available.

The type of the selected order is displayed in the Type field. The available types are:

  • PO - purchase order

  • NC - notice of commitment

The name of the origin of the selected order is displayed in the Origin field.

You can click the Populate Order button to populate the MR line items with all item shipments of the assigned purchase order/notice of commitment. The button is only enabled if you have assigned an order to the MR, if the MR revision is 0, if no MR lines exist so far, and if the MR is not closed. Only item shipments with an expected quantity greater than zero are taken into account. The expected quantity is calculated using the quantities already received on site.

After assigning an order in the Order Number field, you can select a shipment group created for this order from the LOV in the Shipment Groups field.

You can click the Populate Group button to populate the MR line items with all item shipments of the assigned shipment group. This button is only enabled if you have assigned a shipment group to the MR, if the MR revision is 0, if no MR lines exist so far, and if the MR is not closed. Only item shipments with an expected quantity greater than zero are taken into account. The expected quantity is calculated using the quantities already received on site.

In the Prom Ship Date field, the date the supplier promised to ship the items within the selected shipment group is displayed.

Select the predicted (estimated) date the packer will be ready from the LOV in the Packer Ready Pred field. Select the actual date the packer was ready from the LOV in the Packer Ready Act field.

In the third (MR Line Items) block, a material receipt line item is generated for each received item shipment, showing the order and quantity received.

You can either populate the MR line items using the Populate Release Note, Populate Order or Populate Group button as described above. Or, you can insert the line items one by one using the LOV in the Pos field. When using the LOV in the Pos field for selecting item shipments for a material receipt of revision 0 (zero), only those order line items are offered for which the item shipments have an expected quantity greater than zero. The expected quantity is calculated taking into account the quantities already received on site. For MR revisions greater than 0, the LOV provides only the items that were already included in revision 0. If you select a master tag from the LOV, all its detail tags are also inserted. If you select a detail tag from the LOV, its master tag is also automatically inserted (if it is not already a part of the material receipt). The received quantity of the master tag is set to 0.

The Seq field shows the sequence number of this MR line item. When records are automatically inserted by using the Populate Release Note, Populate Order or Populate Group button, an integer will be assigned to regular material and master tags, while detail tags will get the sequence of the master tag increased by .001 or a multiple of this number. If, for example, a sequence number of 2 has been assigned to a master tag, its detail tags will have the sequences 2.001, 2.002, 2.003, and so on. Thus, detail tags are always shown directly below their master tag. When additional splits using the Split Tag button are created, the new detail tag will also get a corresponding sequence number. When a master tag is added to a material receipt via LOV, its detail tags are automatically inserted with a sequence as described above. When a detail tag is added via the LOV and the master tag has not been included on the material receipt so far, the sequence is adjusted in the way described above. When a detail tag is added via the LOV and the master tag is already a part of the material receipt, we recommend that you manually adjust the sequence number if necessary.

In the MR Quantity field, enter the quantity received for this line item.

If project default ZP_MR_QTY is set to N (default), the MR quantity is set to 0 (zero) by default. If ZP_MR_QTY is set to Y, the MR quantity is filled with the item shipment quantity when inserting new MR line items.

You can either receive the master tag or the detail tags. Depending on what level you have entered quantities > 0, you cannot modify the quantity on the other level. By default, the system assumes that detail receiving is done. Therefore, the received quantity of the master tag is set to 0 when inserting records. But, you can receive the master item instead by resetting the quantities of the details to 0. Then you will be able to modify the quantity of the master tag. If you update the quantity of a detail tag, you are asked whether you want to update the item shipment quantity as well. This feature allows you to update the item shipment quantity of detail tags newly created on this screen, without the need to call one of the expediting screens just to adjust the quantity.

The name (number) of the purchase order (PO), notice of commitment (NOC), or change order assigned to the MR is displayed in the Order Number field. The Suppl field displays the supplement of the order.

The Order Type field displays the type of the order, that is, PO for purchase order, NC for notice of commitment, and CO for change order.

The origin of the order is shown in the Origin field. The origin represents the office that is responsible for the order.

The order line item number is displayed in the Pos field, and the order sub line item number is displayed in the Sub field. The IS Pos field shows the sequence number identifying related shipments of an order line item. The IS Sub field shows an additional sequence number identifying split shipments of an order.

Select a receiving status from the LOV in the Recv Status field. Receiving statuses are pre-defined on the C.10.06 Site Material Status screen. When a new record is inserted, the status will be filled with the value that is assigned to the MR; but you can overwrite this default.

The IS Quantity field displays the quantity shipped for the selected item.

The Actual Ship field shows the actual date the supplier has shipped the item.

The Pred/Actual Stage Ready field shows the predicted (estimated)/actual date for the stage ready.

The Pred/Actual Loaded field shows the predicted (estimated)/actual date for loading the item.

The Pred/Actual On Site field shows the predicted (estimated)/actual date for the arrival on site.

The name of the supplier is displayed in the Supplier field, with the company name in the Company Name field.

The Tag Number field at the bottom shows the tag number for the (non-bulk) ident. You can double-click in this field to open the S.80.25 Tag Description and History screen if the tag number is not like '---' and not like 'UNTAGGED'. If the item rule of the ident is SWT, TFM, TOM, or TWM, S.80.25 shows the Tag Description and Tag History tabs. For other item rules (like SOT), only the Tag History tab is displayed. For idents with item rule TAB, the Ident Layout and Tag History tabs are displayed.

For idents with item rules TAB, TFM, TOM, or TWM, it is possible to update the tag number. When doing so, you are asked whether you want to use the S.80.24 Rename Tagged Items screen for this change or if you want to update the tag number immediately. The S.80.24 screen allows you to check all occurrences of the tag number prior to changing it. Moreover, you have the choice of updating only the commodity code, only the tag number, or both in the case of item rule TFM, TOM, or TWM. For idents with item rule TAB, you can only update the tag number itself.

If you decide to immediately update without using S.80.24, both the commodity code and tag number are updated for item rules TFM, TOM, and TWM. For idents with item rule TAB, only the tag number is changed.

Regardless of how you update the tag number and commodity code, you still must click the Save button to commit your changes to the database.

If a tag number was changed by another user, the Tag Number field is displayed with a red background color. If you double-click in a red highlighted tag number to open S.80.25, you are asked whether you want to acknowledge the renaming of the tag number. If you select ‘Yes,' the change is accepted and the red background color is removed.

The Ident Short Description field at the bottom shows the description of the selected ident. The ident short description is derived by calling the CIP procedure m_pck_std_custom.ident_desc.

You can use the Split Tag button to split a tagged item. For more information, see Split Tag.