Status - Intergraph Smart Materials - Version 10.2 - Help - Hexagon

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On the Status tab, you can see the status of a quote. Important dates in the course of a bid are displayed, for example, the issue date, quote received date, and negotiation date.

The Ordered by field on the top of the tab shows by which fields the displayed records are sorted. By default, the records are ordered by bidder. To change the order criteria, you can either click the Order By ... button at the bottom or select the appropriate command from the pop-up menu available on the field level. For more information, see Core Workflow Screens.

The name of the bidder is shown in the Bidder field, with the bidder’s company in the Company Name and Company fields. You can double-click in any of these fields to open the Requisitions tab of P.30.21 Prepare RFQ where the requisitions assigned to the inquiry are displayed.

You can change the bidder using the LOV in the Bidder fields as long as no agreement has been created for this inquiry and bidder. Then click the Save button to save the changes. The previous (original) bidder will be shown in the Original Bidder field, and the user who changed the bidder is shown in the Bidder Changed By field.

The buyer assigned to this inquiry and bidder is displayed in the Buyer field.

The number of alternates that have been created for this quote is shown in the Alt field.

To reset the data of a quote, you must select the Reset check box to mark the affected quote(s) and then click the Reset button. A quote can only be reset if it was not selected, approved (approval process started), or rejected, or if the No Bid indicator is not selected. The following fields will be reset:

  • Conf RFQ Recvd check box

  • Issue Date

  • Quote Pred Date

  • Quote Recv Date

  • Quote Recv By

  • Tech Eval Pred Date

  • Tech Eval Comp Date

  • Pred Comm Eval

  • Pre Comm Eval

  • Final Comm Eval

The Reset button is only available for users with the ALLOW RESUBMIT privilege granted.

The Sel indicator shows whether any line item of the selected quote has been assigned (awarded) to the bidder.

Select the Conf RFQ Recvd indicator when you have received the confirmation of the request for quote from the bidder.

The date when the quote has been sent to the bidder is displayed in the Issue Date field. You cannot enter future dates in this field. If project default ZP_SET_ID is set to Y (default) and the Issue Date field on the P.30.11 Inquiries screen or on the P.30.21 Prepare RFQ screen is updated, this field will also be updated. If ZP_SET_ID is set to N, this field remains unchanged.

The date for which the return of the bid has been predicted can be entered in the Quote Pred Date field.

In the Security Recv Date field, you can enter the date when the security agreement has been received.

The date on which negotiations with the bidder took place can be entered in the Negotiation Date field.

The date when the bidder finalizes the quote can be entered in the Finalize Date field. If a bidder logs on via Smart Materials Portal, he can set this field when he clicks the Finalize Quote button or the Sign and Submit button, depending on the setting of project default ZP_QS_SIGN. These buttons are only visible for bidders. For more information about the Inquiries module of Smart Materials Portal, see Manage Inquiries. Once a quote has been finalized, the bidder can no longer change this quote. Only Smart Materials users (buyers) can still modify such quotes.

You can enter the date when the quote was received from the bidder in the Quote Recv Date field. You cannot enter future dates in this field. The Bid Return Date is filled on the related inquiry with the latest quote received date if this date has been set for all quotes for which the No Bid indicator is not checked.

The user who has received the quote can be selected from the LOV in the Quote Recv By field.

The date for which the completion of the technical evaluation has been predicted can be entered in the Tech Eval Pred Date field.

The Tech Eval Comp Date field shows the date when the technical evaluation has been completed. This date can be set on the Overview tab of the P.30.23 Technical Evaluation screen.

The date for which the completion of the commercial evaluation is predicted can be entered in the Pred Comm Eval field.

The Final Comm Eval field shows the date when the commercial evaluation has been completed. This date can be set on the Overview sub-tab of the Commercial Evaluation tab.

The PO Issue indicator shows whether an agreement has been issued for the bidder. This check box is set automatically when an issue date is entered on the P.50.07 Maintain Agreements screen in the Issued field.

The Will Bid indicator shows whether the bidder will submit a bid.

The No Bid indicator shows whether the bidder has returned a bid.

The No Bid Date field displays the date on which the buyer got the information that the bidder will not submit a bid. Per default, this field is filled with the actual date when the No Bid check box is selected on the quote summary level. This date can be overwritten with any date in the past. When No Bid is not marked, you cannot enter a date in the No Bid Date field.

In the No Bid Reason field, you can enter a comment about why the No Bid check box was set on the quote summary level. Possible reasons might be that the bidder failed to return a bid on time or that the bidder has sent a notice that he will not return a bid.

The date when the bidder was informed that he was not selected can be entered in the Regret Date field.

The date when the email was sent to the bidder can be entered in the Email Sent Date field.

The date when the email was resent to the bidder can be entered in the Email Resent Date field.

The Approved Date field shows the date when the quote has been approved. If you use the multi-step approval option, this date is set when the last person of the approval sequence approves the quote. As long as the approval of at least one person is missing, this date remains empty.

The name of the user who has approved the quote summary is shown in the Approved by field. In the case of multi-step approval, this field is filled with the name of the last person of the approval sequence at the moment this person actually performs the approval. As long as the approval of at least one person is missing, this field remains empty.

The Contact Person field displays the name of the bidder's contact person. When the quotes are created, the value of the Company Employee field on the Bidders tab of the P.30.21 Prepare RFQ screen is copied over. To change the contact person, you can select a contact person from the LOV. This list of values contains all contact persons that have been defined for the bidder's company on the A.10.23 Companies screen. But you can also enter any other contact person. When a contact person is selected from the LOV, the associated communication type and address values are also copied over. If needed, these values can be overwritten.

The Communication Type field displays the means of communication to be used when contacting the bidder's employee. Possible entries could be FAX, E-MAIL, or PHONE. The value of these addresses such as the fax or telephone number can be entered in the Address Value field. Use the LOV in the Communication Type field to select a pre-defined value. If an address is defined for the selected contact and communication type, it is filled in automatically in the Address Value field when the communication type is selected. You can double-click in the Communication Type field to open the A.10.26 Communication Types screen where communication types are defined.

Any new entries made on this screen in the Contact Person, Communication Type, or Address Value fields are not added to the company data on the A.10.23 Companies screen.

You can enter any comment on the quote summary in the Comment field.

If the bidder has been changed, the original bidder assigned to the quote is displayed in the Original Bidder field, and the user who has changed the bidder is displayed in the Bidder Changed By field.

If you want to download or load the bids of an inquiry, you can click the Download/Load Bids button to open the P.30.24 Download/Load Bids screen. For more information, see Download/Load Bids. This button is only enabled if no higher supplement of the inquiry exists.

To reset the date fields of a quote, you can select the Reset check box of the affected quote and click the Reset button (see the description of the Reset check box above).

Click the Attachments button to open the D.90.21 Attachments screen. This screen allows you to maintain documents for the commercial evaluation of an inquiry. For more information, see Attachments.

Click the Attributes button to open the A.50.21 Attached Attributes screen where you can maintain attributes attached to the quote. For more information, see Attached Attributes.