Item Shipments - Intergraph Smart Materials - Version 2020 (10.0) - Help - Hexagon PPM

Intergraph Smart Materials Classic Help (2020)

Intergraph Smart Materials
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Smart Materials/Smart Reference Data Version
2020 (10.0)

The item shipments of the agreement are displayed on the Item Shipments tab.

This tab is only available for order agreements.

If you would like to see the item shipments just for a single position, you can double-click in the Pos field on the Line Items tab to open a window where the item shipments for this position are displayed.

If you get to this tab because the quantity checks performed when approving a change order and working with ZP_ISH_QTY = KEEP or KWO0 have found any discrepancies, you will see all item shipments with MCS, IRC, release note, or received quantities that exceed the new agreement line item quantity.

If the project default ZP_ISH_QTY is set to KEEP or KWO0 and you approve a CO, this tab opens and displays the item shipments with MCS, IRC, release note, or received quantities that exceed the new agreement line item quantity. In the case of approved release notes or received quantities, you must adjust the agreement line item quantity before you can approve the agreement. In all other cases, you can treat this as a hint and you can approve the agreement without adjusting the quantities.

This screen is a core workflow screen. For more information, see Core Workflow Screens.

The Pos field displays the agreement line item number, and the Sub field displays the agreement sub line item number.

The item shipment line item number is displayed in the IS Pos field. For item shipments created by the buyer, this position number is increased. For item shipments created by the expediter, the position number is kept and the sub line item number is increased.

The item shipment sub line item number is displayed in the IS Sub field. Item shipments created by the buyer have a sub line item number of 1. For item shipments created by the expediter, the position number is kept and the sub line item number is increased.

The Incl indicator shows whether the item shipment and its related agreement line item are a part of the current agreement. If this check box is marked, the agreement line item or the item shipment itself has been modified on this agreement supplement. Otherwise, it is a position of a previous supplement that has not been changed and is therefore not included on the current agreement supplement.

The Quantity field displays the quantity of the item shipment. You cannot update the quantity of a master tag. In the case of an agreement for the corporate or FIM warehouses, the quantity that can be entered is limited by the quantity available in these warehouses.

The unit for the quantity is displayed in the Quantity Unit field. You cannot update this unit.

The Prom Contract field shows the date for which the supplier promises to deliver this item shipment. In the case of COs, the setting of ZP_PCD_AIS determines whether this field remains empty for the newly created item shipments. If ZP_PCD_AIS is set to N (default), the promised contract date is empty for the additional item shipment that is created to indicate that something was changed (creation of item shipment due to the setting of project default ZP_ISH_QTY). If this project default is set to Y, the value of the previous item shipment is copied over. The First Delivery field on the Agreement tab is filled with the earliest promised contract date of all line items. The Last Delivery field on the Agreement tab is filled with the latest promised contract date of all line items. If the project default ZP_INIT_PC is set to Y (default), this date field is filled with the same value as the Prom Ship field when a new agreement is created. For COs, the value is copied over from the previous supplement. If ZP_INIT_PC is set to N, this field remains empty.

The Prom Ship field shows the date the supplier promises to ship the item. This field is only meaningful if you are working with basic expediting. When an agreement is created, this field is filled as follows:

  • If a quote exists for this agreement and the Last Ship Date field is filled, this date is copied over.

  • If there is no quote for the agreement or the Last Ship Date field is empty, the number of weeks that is stored in the Last Ship field is multiplied by 7 (number of days per week). The resulting number of days is added to the creation date of the agreement.

  • For manual purchase orders, the system date is filled in this field.

If you update the Prom Ship field, the Prom On Site field will also change because this date field is calculated as Prom Ship + transit days of the routing method. If the project default ZP_EXPDATE is set to Y and the project default ZP_NEW_EXP is set to N, the Pred On Site field will also change because this date field is calculated as Prom Ship + transit days of the routing method. As long as the agreement is not approved, the Prom Ship and Curr/Rev Prom Ship are identical. So updating the Prom Ship field results in changing the Curr/Rev Prom Ship value.

The Req On Site field shows the date on which the item is required on site. This field is only of interest for you if you work with basic expediting. When a new item shipment is inserted during the process of creating an agreement, this field is filled with the ROS date of the corresponding requisition line item. In case of a manual purchase order, the system date is saved in this date field.

The delivery type of this item shipment is displayed in the Delivery Type field. You can double-click in this field to open the A.10.39 Delivery Designations screen where delivery types are defined.

The delivery designation of this item shipment is displayed in the Delivery Designation field. You can double-click in this field to open the A.10.39 Delivery Designations screen where delivery designations are defined. Changing the delivery designation implies the update of the routing method. Therefore, the routing method is filled automatically with the default defined on A.10.39 when selecting another delivery designation. For manual purchase orders, the value assigned to the project default ZP_DLV_DSG is used. For all other agreements, the delivery designation is copied over from the corresponding requisition line item.

The Routing Method field shows the name of the routing method of this item shipment. You can double-click in this field to open the P.10.53 Routing Methods screen. You can only enter routing methods with a delivery designation equal to the one entered in the Delivery Designation field. Routing method is an optional field in this block. But if you are working with basic expediting, you must fill in the routing method to be able to approve a PO or NOC. When item shipments are created, the Routing Method field will be filled primarily with the routing method defined for the agreement header. If this routing method is not valid for the delivery designation, the default routing method defined on A.10.39 will be taken. If no default is specified, this field remains empty.

If you change the routing method, the Pred On Site and Prom On Site dates are recalculated due to the changed number of transit days. The predicted on site date is only recalculated if project default ZP_EXPDATE is set to Y.

The Destination field shows the name of that destination within the selected routing method that has been marked as the delivery date on the P.10.53 Routing Methods screen. This field is only of interest if you work with extended expediting.

The ident code for the material of this item shipment is displayed in the Ident Code field. The tag number assigned to this ident is displayed in the Tag Number field. The Commodity Code field shows the commodity code of this item shipment.

The actual MCS quantity as maintained by expediting is displayed in the MCS Quantity field. The actual IRC quantity as maintained by expediting is displayed in the IRC Quantity field. The actual release note quantity as maintained by expediting is displayed in the Release Note Quantity field. The aforementioned quantities are only of interest if you use extended expediting (ZP_NEW_EXP is set to Y). You need this information for the item shipments of COs if quantities are reduced. As you cannot approve a CO if its item shipments are going to replace item shipments with assigned MCS, IRC, or release note numbers with a lower quantity, you can use this look up information to see how quantities must be adjusted properly. If you ignore this information and try to approve the CO nevertheless, you will receive a message and the Erroneous Item Shipments window opens showing you all item shipments with violations against this rule.

The Received Quantity field shows the actual received quantity (posted or not).

In the Fab Location field, you can select the location of the fabrication, and in the Inspection Location field, you can select the location where the inspection is done. You can double-click in both fields to open the P.10.58 Fab/Inspection Locations screen where fabrication/inspection locations are defined. If you enter a fabrication/inspection location that is not pre-defined on P.10.58, a warning message appears notifying you that you have entered an unknown location. You are asked if you want to continue. Click Yes to go ahead and create a new fabrication/inspection location on P.10.58. If you click No, you must select a pre-defined value from the LOV.

You must have access and update rights for P.10.58 to create new locations from P.50.07.

You can click the Attributes button to open the A.50.21 Attached Attributes screen where the attributes attached to the selected item shipment are displayed. For more information, see Attached Attributes.