Smart Materials Administration APIs - Intergraph Smart Materials - Version 10.3 - Administration & Configuration - Hexagon

Intergraph Smart Materials Classic Administration (10.3)

Intergraph Smart Materials
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Administration & Configuration
Smart Materials/Smart Reference Data Version

The Smart Materials Administration API is designed for performing administration tasks, for example, creating or updating users and user securities. For more information about these tasks refer to Intergraph Smart® Materials Classic Administration (10.1).

The functionality is provided by the database package M_API_ADMIN. All necessary type and function definitions required by the user are accessible in the package specification (which is unwrapped).

This section requires that you are familiar with the use of functions and procedures.

For all functions you must connect to the database as M_SYS.

The Administration API must run in a valid login environment. The parameter p_proj_id in the functions is used to determine this login environment. In order to use this API for a project, you must select the Use for APIs check box for exactly one record of this project on the A.20.06.02 User Securities for Projects screen. The user security of that record will then be used to set up the valid login environment. For more information about user securities see User Securities for Projects.