Smart Materials Email Setup - Intergraph Smart Materials - Version 10.1 - Administration & Configuration - Hexagon

Intergraph Smart Materials Classic Administration (10.1)

Intergraph Smart Materials
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Administration & Configuration
Smart Materials/Smart Reference Data Version

This section takes you through the steps required to setup the emailing functionality in Intergraph Smart Materials.

Across the workflows managed by Smart Materials, a wide variety of emails are generated, ranging from purely informative emails to requests for approval (of engineering requisitions, inquiries, and so forth). The emails contain a link that take you to a special web page allowing easy and secure approval without the need to start a Smart Materials session and navigate to the appropriate screens. The emails can have attachments which can optionally be zipped. Depending on the category of an email, it is even possible to customize the email contents.

Whatever the layout and purpose of an email generated by the system, there are some common prerequisites with respect to installation and configuration that have to be met. This section is intended to describe these prerequisites prior to explaining the usage of some special features such as custom email.