Place a component - Intergraph Smart Isometrics - Help - Hexagon

Intergraph Smart Isometrics Help

Intergraph Smart Isometrics
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Isogen Version
Smart Isometrics Version
2019 R1 (7.1)
Spoolgen Version
2019 R1 (9.1)

The placement of most components works in much the same way: you select the component type, place it on a section of pipe, and then slide it into position. The software places the component in the specified location according to the following:

  • If a default choice is available in the specification, or only one possible component available, the software automatically assigns the required item code. The component displays as green, the default sketch color for a fully specified component.

  • If no default choice is available in the specification, the software places the component as generic. In this case, you must manually Assign an item code.

  • It is also possible to place a generic component and assign a user-defined length, description, and item code. See Place a generic component.

  • You must place components that force a change of direction, such as offsets, bends, and returns, at the open end of a pipe or component.

  1. On the Place toolbar, select the down arrow next to the component group that corresponds to the component type to place. For example, to place a globe valve, select the arrow next to Valve SPIso ICON Valve and then select Globe-Valve.

    SHARED Tip You can also use the Place menu. Select Place > Valve Command > <Type of valve>.

  2. Select the location on the pipe to place the component.

    If you are placing a component into a pipe that is dimensioned, the software displays the Dimension box so that you can specify the length of the pipe on each side of the component.

  3. Repeat the previous step to place as many components of the same type as needed.

  4. When you are finished placing components, select a point anywhere in the Detail window where there is no object to exit place mode.

  • When placing a 2-way or a 3-way component at the end of a section of pipe, right-click the mouse to cycle through the available orientations for an end (marked in red on the cursor).

    Component Orientation

  • While placing a 3-way component at the end of a section of pipe, you can press SHIFT to change the connecting end of the component.

  • You can dynamically move an inline component, such as a valve, by pressing CTRL and dragging the component along the pipeline. The 3D View window updates automatically to show the location change.