Compare PODs Dialog - Intergraph Smart Isometrics - Help - Hexagon

Intergraph Smart Isometrics Help

Intergraph Smart Isometrics
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Isogen Version
Smart Isometrics Version
2019 R1 (7.1)
Spoolgen Version
2019 R1 (9.1)

File 1

Specifies the original or the previous version of the edited file to compare. You can use any of the following methods:

  • Type the full path location and file name in the File 1 box.

  • Select Browse SPSplgn ICON Browse to display the Open dialog box. Navigate to the file to compare, and then select Open.

  • Select one of the previous versions in the POD files list. For Spoolgen projects, the software automatically extracts the version you select from the Workflow database and displays the file as File 1.

Versions list

Displays a list of the previous versions that exist for File 2.

File 2

Displays the name of the currently open file. File 2 is the latest version of the file as imported.


Starts the comparison process. After processing completes, the software displays the results in the POD Comparison window.