5. Attach MCAD NX model as Reference 3D Data - Intergraph Smart Interop Publisher - Help

Intergraph Smart Interop Publisher Help

Intergraph Smart Interop Publisher
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  1. In Smart 3D Project Management, select the plant to attach the reference model.

  2. Click Database > New > Reference 3D Model Command.

  3. In the New Reference 3D Model Dialog, fill in the boxes with appropriate information to include the following:

    Model Type - Select SmartPlant Interop Publisher.

    File Path - Type in or browse to the folder containing the generated NX MCAD Smart Model .zvf and .mdb2 files.

    Name - Type in a name to use for the model.

  4. Click OK to save your edits and close the dialog.

    The process of creating and updating the schema can take several minutes, so an informational progress form displays during this time.

  5. If prompted, click Yes to confirm that the schema packages should be updated.

  6. To see the new Reference 3D model, either start a new Smart 3D session, or save and reopen an existing session. The example below shows the Reference 3D valve model selected with its corresponding properties. The custom properties Schedule Thickness and Design Maximum Temperate display.

  7. Build onto the referenced model using the exposed custom properties. For the piping example, you can route a pipe from the valve end of the model. When you select the valve end, the software displays the New Pipe Run Dialog. On the Reference 3D Tab, you can type values for the remaining required properties to create a successful pipe run.