Exercise 03.01
Based on the request 03.01 - Get Instrument Collection, which exposes Instruments from Project As-Built, do the following:
Create a similar request that retrieves Cables in ('As-Built').
Exercise 03.02
Based on the request you created in Exercise 03.01, add to the request a method that displays the number of cables in the payload.
Create a request that retrieves the Cables, and their total number, in Project ('As-Built').
Exercise 03.03
Based on the request you created in Exercise 03.02, add several Cable properties.
Create a request that retrieves the Cables, and their total number, in Project ('As-Built'). In addition, retrieve the following Properties, provided here are their display names:
Cable name
Cable Description
Cable Type
Cable Length
Length Units
Use the annotations reference model to find the actual property when using the select option.
Exercise 03.04
Based on the request you created in Exercise 03.03, add an option to sort in an ascending order.
Edit the request in Exercise 03.03 and add the $orderby method on the cable name with the ascending option.
Exercise 03.05
This exercise drills down the hierarchy of a Site to Project As-Built, to a specific item, in the Demo database.
Create a request that navigates from the Site > PlantGroup > As-Built project > Cables (with CABLE Id=4568), and then to its Cable sets.
Entity types which have a combined primary key will have their Ids concatenated.