$expand Method Requests - Intergraph Smart Instrumentation - 2.3.12 - Training - Intergraph

Intergraph Smart Instrumentation Web API Tutorial

Intergraph Smart Instrumentation
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The following set of queries uses the $expand query option to expose the source entity as well as the target item. When using $expand, always provide the Id of the source item (do not use the $expand method without stating which item Id to expand).

GET request $expand - (Instrument -> Loop)

This request navigates from the Instrument (Id '4196') to its Loop, with a subset of three of the instrument properties: Id, InstrumentName, and PIDDrawing. The payload also includes all the properties of the loop.

  • Select the 06.01 $expand - (Instrument -> Loop) request and click Send.


GET request $expand - (Loop -> Instrument) + expanded properties

This request expands the loop to display its instruments with a subset of both loop and instrument properties.

  • Select the 06.02 $expand - (Loop -> Instrument) + expanded properties request and click Send.


GET request $expand - (Loop -> Instrument) + expanded properties & count

This request is similar to the previous one, with the addition of the '$count' option, to reveal the number of Instruments associated with this Loop.

  • Select the 06.03 $expand - (Loop -> Instrument) + expanded properties & count request and click Send.


GET request $expand - (Loop -> Instrument), + expanded properties, count, and sort order

This request is similar to the previous one, with the addition of the '$orderby' option, to reveal the number of Instruments connected to this Loop, and to display them in descending order.

  • Select the 06.04 $expand - (Loop -> Instrument) + expanded properties, count & orderby request and click Send.

    {{baseUri}}api/si/{{versionNumber}}/Sites('{{SiteId}}')/PlantGroups('{{PlantGroupId}}')/Projects('0')/LoopProject('4195')?$select=Id,LoopName,LoopService&$expand=InstrumentLoop($select=Id,InstrumentName,InstrumentType;$count=true;$orderby=InstrumentName desc)

GET request $expand (Line > Instrument), plus expanded properties & filter

This request demonstrates the use of $filter query option for an expanded item.

  • Select the 06.05 $expand - (Line > Instrument) + expanded properties & filter request and click Send.

    {{baseUri}}api/si/{{versionNumber}}/Sites('{{SiteId}}')/PlantGroups('{{PlantGroupId}}')/Projects('0')/LineProject('4139')?$select=Id,LineNumberName,PipeSize,LineSizeUnits&$expand=InstrumentLine1st($select=Id,InstrumentName,LoopName,PIDDrawing;$filter=LoopName eq '101-F -100')

    GET Requests using Expand to reveal Instrument - Loop Relations (5)

GET request $expand Cable to End1Panel & End2Panel

This request expands a cable to the destination panels at both ends.

  • Select the 06.06 $expand Cable to CableEnd1Panel, CableEnd2Panel request and click Send.
