Configure and register Smart Instrumentation Web API - Intergraph Smart Instrumentation - 2.3.12 - Installation & Upgrade

Intergraph Smart Instrumentation Web API Installation and Configuration Guide

Intergraph Smart Instrumentation
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Installation & Upgrade
Smart Instrumentation Web Version

Before you can view your plant data, you must configure the Smart Instrumentation Web API server to authenticate your user credentials. This procedure explains how to configure the settings for:

  • Automatic configuration of Smart Instrumentation Web API in IIS

  • Registration with the Smart API Manager (SAM)

  • Monitoring

SHARED Tip We recommend that you already have an SSL certificate installed on your machine.

  1. In the path where you installed the Smart Instrumentation Web API server, navigate to the ConfigurationTool folder and right-click IntergraphConfigurationUtility.exe.

  2. On the shortcut menu, click Run as administrator.

  3. Do one of the following:

    • If a warning telling you that the Configuration Utility is missing required features,click here and follow the instructions.

      When opening the Smart Instrumentation Web API Configuration Utility the utility checks if all features and roles required are enabled. If it discovers this is not the case the utility stops and cannot continue until all the required features and roles are enabled.

      Do the following:

      1. On the Configuration Utility warning window, click the features link. A list of all the features that need to be enabled are displayed.

      2. At the end of the sentence, "Please install them from here", click on here.

      3. On the Windows Server Manager Dashboard, select Add Roles and Features.

      4. Click Next until you reach Server Roles.

      5. Scroll down until you see the Web Server (IIS) check box. Select the check box, if it is not already selected.

      6. Click Next until you reach Role Services.

      7. Using the Missing Features list as a guide, locate and enable the missing features in Role Services.

      8. Click Next until you reach Confirmation, A list of all your selections is displayed.

      9. Click Install.

      10. Click Close.

      11. On the Configuration Utility warning window, click Continue.

        Only when all the required features are enabled, does the Configuration Utility open. If there are still items to be enabled, close the list of features and reopen, the list is refreshed with only the remaining features that need enabling displayed.

      12. When the Configuration Utility opens, continue with step 4.

      SHARED Tip To close this pop-up window just click on the link again.

    • No warning is displayed and the Configuration Utility opens, continue with step 4.

    Before continuing to step 4, if you have not already installed an SSL certificate on your machine, close the Configuration Utility and install one now. Once installed reopen the Configuration Utility and proceed to step 4.

  4. In the Configuration Utility, click the Smart API Manager Module icon.

    The Smart API Manager Module - Configuration Utility window opens on the Welcome page.

  5. Click Next.

  6. On the Smart API Registration (Step 1) page, do the following:

    1. In the API Manager Url box, type the Url for the Smart API Manager server you will use for authentication.

    2. Choose one of the following user authentication options:

      • Use Windows Authentication, see Test your connection.

      • Use User Name / Password (User name = SAM user).

    Whichever option you choose, your login credentials must first be registered on SAM.

    1. To verify that your login credentials are valid, click Test.

      You will see an appropriate message.

    2. Choose one of the following registration options:

      • Register New Service

      • Update Existing Service

      If this is the first time you are registering a service, only the Register New Service option is available.

    3. For a new service, choose a prefix from the Service Prefix list, representing the software application and version.

    4. If updating an existing service, choose the service you want to update from the Service Id list.

      For a new service, the service Id is generated automatically at the end of the registration process.

    5. Type a string in the Service Secret box or click Generate to generate a secret automatically.

      The secret must consist of at least one uppercase character, one lowercase character, one number, one of the following special characters: &!@#$%*=. , and must be between 8 and 64 characters in length.

    6. Click Next.

  7. On the IIS Configuration (Step 2) page, in the Application Name type "api".

  8. Beside the Application Identity field, do the following:

    1. Click Change.

    2. In the Application Pool Identity dialog box that opens, click Custom account.

    3. Enter the user name in the Login field and type the password.

    This must be an Admin user name and password.

    1. Click Test to ensure that the login values are valid.

    2. Click OK to close the Application Pool Identity dialog box.

    The Application Identity user must have Domain Admin rights on the machine where IIS is installed. This is an essential requirement because this user must have permissions to:

    • write log messages under the installation folder.

    • save temp files, such as %temp%.

    • access network resources, such as .ini path and plant reference data.

  9. Fill in the remaining information on the page.

    • Ensure that the Enable Https check box is selected and that you have a valid https certificate.

    • For the port settings, we recommend entering port number 80 for http and port number 443 for https.

  10. Click Next.

  11. On the Monitoring Configuration (Step 3) page, type Smart Instrumentation as the product name and the WebAPI version in the relevant fields.

  12. Click Next.

  13. On the Configuration Preview (Step 4) page, review your settings.

  14. Click Finish to save your changes and begin the configuration.

    A page opens showing the status of each activity and an overall progress bar.

  15. On completion of the configuration, click Finish again.

All that is left for you to do is create Authorized Groups with in SAM

In the Advanced Settings of the Application Pool, the Disable Overlapped Recycle = True. This parameter is included in Intergraph Smart Configuration Utility from Smart Instrumentation Web API v 2.3.11.