This page allows you to specify the lengths of the data rows, data separators, and data and file formats for the main body of data.
Select one of the following options to select a separator between data values (vertical line structure only):
Displays the data entries run together. For this option, it is recommended that you select the Fixed field lengths check box.
Displays data values separated by commas.
Displays data values separated by tab characters.
Numeric, date, and time field justification
Select one of the following options to determine whether the software adds extra spaces before or after numeric, date, or time data when you specify fixed field lengths and where the actual length of the field is less than the fixed field length. Choose one of the following options:
Adds spaces after the data values.
Adds spaces before the data values.
Fixed field lengths
Select this check box if you want the option of specifying a fixed number of characters allowed in each data export field. If the data contains fewer characters than the number specified, the difference will be made up using spaces; if there are more characters than the number specified, the extra characters will be truncated. Clear this check box to use the default values for the field lengths, and to add no spaces if the string length is less than the specified number of characters for a particular field.
Date field separator
The software uses the separator with the date format specified in the header or footer (vertical line structure only):
Displays the components of date fields run together.
Slash / Dot / Backslash / Dash
Select to use one of these characters as a date separator.
Select to use a single user-defined character as a date separator. Type the character in the box beside this option.
Time field separator
The software uses the separator with the time format specified in the header or footer:
Displays the components of time fields run together.
Colon / Dash
Select to use one of these characters as a time separator.
Select to use a single user-defined character as a time separator. Type the character in the box beside this option.