Use this wizard page to select the levels for data export and the grouping level for headers and footers.
Export level
Select one of the following options for filtering the level at which the software is to export the data (this section is only available if you selected the Current domain option on the Domain Selection Select Domain page):
All chosen domains
Exports data for all plant hierarchy items in the current domain.
In an owner operator domain, exports data for all plant hierarchy items in the current project only.
Exports data for all plant hierarchy items in the current <plant>.
Exports data for all plant hierarchy items in the current <area>. If the hierarchy contains more than three levels, the software exports data for the plant hierarchy item defined one level below the plant.
Exports data for all plant hierarchy items in the current <unit>.
The data export will only work correctly if each combination of plant-area-unit hierarchy
item names is unique throughout your domain or project.
If you selected Multiple domains on the Domain Selection Select Domain page, the software selects All chosen domains by default and disables the other options in this section; otherwise, the software
clears All chosen domains and this option is unavailable.
Grouping level
Select one of the following options for the grouping level that the software uses to provide a further criterion for sorting the data (this affects the headers and footers as defined on the Header / Footer Definitions page):
All chosen domains
Disables grouping when exporting data from multiple domains.
Specifies grouping of the data at the project level.
Specifies grouping of the data at the <plant> level.
Specifies grouping of the data at the <area> level.
Specifies grouping of the data at the <unit> level.
Where the export level is All chosen domains, all grouping level options are available. For other export levels, the All chosen domains option is not available. Only grouping levels at the same level or at a lower level
than the export level are available. If the selected grouping level is the same as
the export level, the software does not group the data.