The following information is specific to the product being installed on-premises.
You can export Intergraph Smart® Instrumentation data that includes tags, loops, services, manufacturers, models, fluids, and material data for use in SAP. You can do this using a utility called SAPSyn, which you can run via the SAP Export Wizard. You use the wizard to configure SAPSyn by selecting the data that you want to export according to predefined EDE Views. You can also save a specific configuration as a profile which can be run whenever needed. After configuring SAPSyn, you can run it as required by a scheduler to synchronize data on a permanent basis. Each time you run SAPSyn, it generates a file containing Smart Instrumentation data in a format that SAP can use to import the data into its own database.
If you run the SAP Export Utility without a profile, the software saves generated
.psr files to the root folder of the drive by default. If your computer's security
settings do not permit files to be written to that folder, the files will not be generated.
In any case, whether you run the utility with or without profiles, we recommend that
you define the default PSR path to a folder with read-write permissions. To do so,
open the INT-SAP.ini file, and under the [SAP] section, define a path setting such
as: Path=c:\temp\.
On some occasions, you may need to access data that was not included in the export. In this case, you can interface with Smart Instrumentation using SAP R/3 to view the required data via Intergraph Distributed Environment Application Layer (IDEAL) API. The main stages of this process are as follows:
Creation of an export file with formatting information and data definitions.
Retrieval of data in the SAP program.
Displaying the data using (IDEAL) API.
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Version 14 Update 1
Published 12/23/2024 at 10:22 AM