Intergraph Smart® Instrumentation Rule Manager - Intergraph Smart Instrumentation - Help

Intergraph Smart Instrumentation Rule Manager Help

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Intergraph Smart® Instrumentation Rule Manager is an environment used for creating, manipulating, and managing sets of consistency rules that apply whenever a user associates two items or modifies properties of a certain item in Smart Instrumentation. Rule manager also creates GUI rules that allow a user control over every field in every item's 'Properties' dialog. These rules determine how items act and interact within a project. Usually, you create a set of rules at the beginning of a project. You can modify and add any rule at any stage of the project life-cycle when project requirements dictate a change, though modified rules are not applied automatically on existing data. Rule Manager is supplied with a set of interface engineering rules that can be modified by the user, these rules by default are not active (except for the KKS Cable Name rule). System rules that are supplied with the software, cannot be modified or disabled by the user.

A rule is a combination of various consistency criteria that you can specify for rule components. A rule component can be either an item type or a filter created in Rule Manager. A Rule is executed when a modification is made to a property that is related with the consistency of that rule. The following types of rules are available:

  • Relation rules — rules in which consistency criteria apply to two specific components. These rules ensure that correct relationships are created when you create a new relationship or modify properties or values of related items in Smart Instrumentation. The items can belong to a specific item type or be specified by using a filter. When a rule matches both items, the rule is implemented, and the software performs the actions associated with the rule.

  • Single component rules — rules in which consistency criteria apply to one component only. These rules validate consistency of the properties or property values of a specific item tag.

  • GUI rules — rules in which consistency criteria apply to specific fields of the item properties dialogs. These rules make the specific fields unavailable to the user.

Rules are used in Smart Instrumentation for the following reasons:

  • To check or copy data between items.

  • To ensure that the data is consistent with the rule when making a modification that applies to two items.

  • To check the consistency of item properties or property values.

  • To stop users from adding or modifying values in specific fields in the properties of an item.

In Smart Instrumentation, when a rule matches the properties or property values specified for a rule component, the rule is implemented. When a rule inconsistency is found, the software performs the action associated with a specific consistency setting. Depending on the associated action, the software records an inconsistency in a log file, warns the user about the inconsistency, or rejects the inconsistency automatically.

On detecting a rule inconsistency, the software displays a message that allows the user to either accept or reject the inconsistency, depending on the severity of the inconsistency. When applicable, the rule solution enables the user to copy a value from one item to another. Prior to taking any action, the user can always display the rule properties. By accepting an inconsistency, the user overrides the rule. By rejecting the inconsistency, the user considers the rule consistency criteria and needs to make the appropriate corrections to the data.

You can globally enable or disable the use of Smart Instrumentation rules in the Administration Module, or individually in Rule Manager. The system rules stay active even when rules are disabled in the Administration Module.

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Published 8/20/2024 at 9:36 AM