Calibration Tab (Instrument Type Profile Dialog) - Intergraph Smart Instrumentation - Help

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The options on this tab allow you to associate one or more calibration profiles with the current instrument type. You can also set one of the associated profiles as default. When you open the Tag Calibration Settings window in the Calibration module for a new instrument, the calibration settings form assigned to the default profile is loaded automatically, so you do not have to select a calibration profile first.

Instrument type

Displays the current instrument type.

Instrument type description

Displays the current instrument type description.

Associated profiles

Calibration Profile

Displays the calibration profiles associated with the current instrument type.


Allows you to set one profile as the default profile. This way, when opening calibration settings for a new instrument, you bypass the Select Calibration Profile dialog and automatically open the Tag Calibration Settings window. In the Tag Calibration Settings window, the software loads the calibration settings form assigned to the default profile.

You do not have to set a profile as default. If more than one profile is available for the instrument type, and none of them are marked as default, the Select Calibration Profile dialog opens, where you select the profile you need, and then open the calibration settings.


Opens a dialog where you can select an existing profile for association with the current instrument type. It is possible to associate many profiles with the same instrument type. Also, it is possible to associate the same profile with more than one instrument type.


Dissociates the selected profile from the current instrument type. It is only possible to select and dissociate one profile at a time.