Fix Display of Vertical Fields - Intergraph Smart Instrumentation - Help

Intergraph Smart Instrumentation Help

Intergraph Smart Instrumentation
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  1. In Smart Instrumentation, save the spec page as a .psr file and then open the .psr file in InfoMaker. For details, see Open a Form Page in InfoMaker.

  2. Right-select a vertical field, and then, on the shortcut menu, select Properties.

  3. To verify that a given field diverges from the horizontal, on the Font tab, select the icon to the right of the Escapement box PPM All Outputs Graphic or PPM All Outputs Graphic. On the dialog that opens, in the Expression box, a value of 900, for example, indicates a vertical field.

  4. On the General tab of the Properties dialog, under Alignment, select Center.

  5. If the field is wider than the text, do one of the following to trim the field:

    • On the Position tab, under Width, change the value to the minimum value needed to display the actual text.

    • In the Design view, use the mouse to change the field width.

  6. On the File menu, select Save.

  7. Import the page back into Smart Instrumentation.

  8. Regenerate the spec page and specification, and save the specification again in Excel format.

See Also

Save a Page as an External File
Open a Page from an External File