Working with Integration - Intergraph Smart Engineering Manager - 11 - Installation & Upgrade - Hexagon

Intergraph Smart Engineering Manager Installation and Upgrade

Intergraph Smart Engineering Manager
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Installation & Upgrade
Smart Engineering Manager Version

Integration standardizes and improves the communication among the various authoring tools you use in the course of designing, constructing, and operating a plant. Managing data exchange among these authoring tools enables you to share and re-use plant information throughout the plant life-cycle.

Depending on the version of your software, data exchange is managed by the following applications:

  • SmartPlant Foundation (SPF) for Integration 1.0 (all Smart Engineering Manager versions). For more information, see Integration 1.0.

  • SDx for Integration 2.0 (Smart Engineering Manager 13 and later). For more information, see Integration 2.0.

  • Integration with Aspen Basic Engineering™ (ABE) (Smart Engineering Manager 12 and later). For more information, see Registering a Plant with Aspen Basic Engineering.

  • A plant can only be registered with one of the applications Integration 1.0 or Integration 2.0. Once you register a plant with one of these applications, the Integration menu options for the other application are disabled.

  • You can register the same plant with ABE and either of the other integration applications.