Integration standardizes and improves the communication among the various authoring tools you use in the course of designing, constructing, and operating a plant. Managing data exchange among these authoring tools enables you to share and re-use plant information throughout the plant life-cycle.
Depending on the version of your software, data exchange is managed by the following applications:
SmartPlant Foundation (SPF) for Integration 1.0 (all Smart Engineering Manager versions). For more information, see Integration 1.0.
SDx for Integration 2.0 (Smart Engineering Manager 13 and later). For more information, see Integration 2.0.
Integration with Aspen Basic Engineering™ (ABE) (Smart Engineering Manager 12 and later). For more information, see Registering a Plant with Aspen Basic Engineering.
A plant can only be registered with one of the applications Integration 1.0 or Integration 2.0. Once you register a plant with one of these applications, the Integration menu options for the other application are disabled.
You can register the same plant with ABE and either of the other integration applications.