Access Rights Command (Tools Menu) - Intergraph Smart Engineering Manager - 11 - Installation & Upgrade - Hexagon

Intergraph Smart Engineering Manager Installation and Upgrade

Intergraph Smart Engineering Manager
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Installation & Upgrade
Smart Engineering Manager Version

Provides Smart Electrical users the ability to view role-level access by plant group or plant-level access by role.

You can set access rights to one of three states:

No Access

Allows the role no access, not even read-only access, to the plant group, no matter what user rights are assigned to the role.

Restricted Access

Reduces the user rights for the role to read-only in the selected plant group. For example, if the role has been assigned full-control in all user access rights, selecting this option limits the role to read-only access in the plant group.

Unrestricted Access

Does not limit the user rights for the role in the plant group.

See Also

View Access Rights by Plant Group
View Access Rights by Role
Access Rights Dialog Box