"My" Modules - Intergraph Smart Completions - Intergraph Smart Completions iOS 6.0.1 - Help - Hexagon

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The "My" Modules section of the mobile application contains all Punchlists, Tasks, Preservations, and Non-Compliances assigned to a field technician. When a task is checked out to you and synced to the device, it will appear here even after you go offline. The "My" Module buttons are blue.

When you are online, you can look up Tasks, Punchlists, Preservations and Non-Compliances and use "check out"while working on it. Remember to sync to the tablet before going offline and into the field. Once you've gone offline, these buttons are no longer available.

When Online:

  • View all Punchlists, Tasks, Preservations, Non-Compliances and Routine Inspections assigned to the user.

  • Execute Punchlists, Tasks, Preservations, Non-Compliances and Routine Inspections assigned to the user.

  • View system data from all green icons.

When Offline:

  • View all Punchlists, Tasks, Preservations, Non-Compliances and Routine Inspections checked out by/to the user.

  • Execute Punchlists, Tasks, Preservations, Non-Compliances and Routine Inspections checked out by/to the user.

  • View Asset Data, and Documents associated with the Tasks checked out by/to the user.

"My" Modules content is queried by (from top to bottom):