Add Redlining capability to Documents - Intergraph Smart Completions - Intergraph Smart Completions iOS 6.0.1 - Help - Hexagon

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You can red line multiple pages and can load back to cloud as single PDF. This new provision allows you to highlight or label any text on PDF files.

Use the Undo option if you have to re-capture or highlight any part of the document. This option works only on the latest edited page.

  1. Navigate to the Files manager and open any file that has drawings.


  2. Click the Red Line Document tab or File App tab on the top right corner of the document. You can find the redlining palette available at the bottom of the screen.


  3. You can use all the provided options such as Highlighter, Text, Colors, Pen, Free flow, Line, Circle, Rectangle , multiple sizes (+,-) , Erase mode (X icon).

  4. After you have highlighted the document, click Upload Document to save and upload the red lined document back into Smart Completions CCMS.
