This topic provides guidance for common scenarios you might encounter when using the Assets API.
When to use the Assets endpoint
You can use the Assets endpoint to populate the Smart Completions database with:
The latest tag data for all disciplines, including their "tag to document" associations.
Just tag PBS (systemization) and LBS (location) associations.
The PBS or LBS must have already been loaded to Smart Completions before the association can be created.
Discipline and Type as these fields directly impact which other fields are exposed.
How the tag list is used
The tag list is a key data point, used to:
Identify what and how many objects need to be installed and tested.
Identify dependencies between objects (for example, parent/child associations).
Assign test profiles.
Make system/subsystem associations.
How OEM information is used
Original equipment manufacturer (OEM) information describes the source for an asset, such as it's make, manufacturer, and serial number.
OEM information must be validated by field technician's during Installation checks (also called A checks). If a technician discovers that OEM information is incorrect, they can create a Punchlist item, which will either be read back to the IM solution through the Asset Read Smart API, or export.