Work Packages - Intergraph Smart Completions - Intergraph Smart Completions Update 24 - Customization & Programming - Hexagon

Intergraph Smart Completions Smart API Programmer's Reference Guide (5.3.24)

Intergraph Smart Completions
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Customization & Programming
Smart Completions Version

About work packages

Work Packages compile all tasks, their associated documents, punch lists, and other data for assets/loops/packs. In most cases, the work packages managed in Smart Completions are Installation Work Packages (IWPs) that have parent Construction Work Packages (CWPs).

API endpoints

  • WorkPackages - Create and update a work package, including all the information needed to manage the work package.

  • WorkPackagesSteps - Assign or remove a step from a work package, or assign a task to a work step, including volumetric (volume centric) work steps.

  • WorkPackageTasks - Assign or remove a task from a work package.

  • CreateWorkStepsFromTasks - Generate work steps from the tasks assigned to a work package. The work steps are assigned to the work package.

  • WorkPackagePunchlists - Assign or remove a punchlist from a work package.

  • WorkPackagesDocuments - Assign or remove a document from a work package.

  • WorkPackageDetails - Access information about work packages by instance or project.

  • WorkPackagesStepDetails - Access information about work package steps.

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