The term "Document" is applied to any type of document, drawing, procedure, or illustration. Each document can be assigned to any Asset, providing you with a complete set of supportive Asset documentation.
API endpoints
Documentss - Create, update, or remove documents.
DocumentProjects - Assign or remove one or more Projects (tier 1 of the WBS) from documents.
DocumentSubsystems - Assign or remove one or more Subsystems (tier 4 of the PBS) to documents.
DocumentSystems - Assign or remove one or more Systems (tier 3 of the PBS) from documents.
DocumentLocations - Assign or remove one or more physical locations (tier 4 of the LBS) from documents.
DocumentAreas - Assign or remove one or more Areas (tier 3 of the LBS) documents.
DocumentsDetails - Access information about documents in an instance or project.
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