About the Smart Completions Smart API - Intergraph Smart Completions - Intergraph Smart Completions Update 4 - Customization & Programming

Intergraph Smart Completions Smart API Programmer's Getting Started Guide

Intergraph Smart Completions
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Customization & Programming
Smart Completions Version

Using the Smart Completions Smart API, you can access Smart Completions information needed from outside the Smart Completions client. For example, you can:

  • Consume information for further analysis and reporting, for example using Power BI.

  • Streamline turnover of completed artifacts and as-installed information for client operational systems, for example maintenance or document management systems.

  • Populate other customized applications or data lakes.

For more high-level information about the Smart Completions Smart API, see the following sections:

For detailed information about using the API, see the Smart Completions Smart API Programmer's Reference Guide.