Use an access token to request resources - Intergraph Smart Completions - Intergraph Smart Completions Update 23 - Customization & Programming - Hexagon

Intergraph Smart Completions Smart API Programmer's Getting Started Guide (5.3.23)

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After you receive an access token from the identity provider, you can use the token to request a resource.

In this example, we'll show how to request a resource with the basic authentication grant type.

Send the resource request

7 - Exploring Smart API with Postman 3

  1. Create a new GET request.

  2. Enter the Smart Completions hostname and base URL.

  3. Add the API endpoint and resource path.

    For help figuring out the resource path and the resources you want to use, see Programming reference.

  4. Click Auth and select Bearer Token.

  5. In the Token text box, paste your access token.

    SHARED Tip You get an access token based on your grant type: Authorization Code with PKCE, Client Credentials, or Basic Authentication.

  6. Click Send.

    If the request succeeds, you get a response with the status code 200.

See the resource information in the response

8 - Exploring Smart API with Postman 4

You can see resource details in the response.