4176417 QR Codes not loading in Smart Form PDFs
2791974 Pipe Pack Task Reworks - Duplicates "Use Step Children" Steps/Unable to Save
2865761 Assurance Certificates - Unable to Complete Certificate from Secondary Panel
3114581 TOP Package Intermittently not Completing Download of All TOC's
3938845 Certificates Mail Merge Template - Discipline Field Missing
4094088 Optimize updating tasks from Task Model
4182728 Fixes for Issues with Query Plans- Moved to Default from Legacy
4185123 Optimize - Commissioning readiness report in planned tasks manager
4226274 Certificate ID Contains / - Email Notification Error and Zip File Not Included
3901178 Imports - Update Data Type From Numeric to String for Necessary Fields
3010312 Rework Task - Overall Completion tab has prepopulated 'Closed By' field
4111422 Extra LEM columns causing incorrect export data.
4115838 Certificate Creation – Save/Assignment – Slow/Poor Performance
4125188 Commas removed in Subsystem Summary column in Certificate excel report
4103746 Reference Info Inspection Step - Alignment Broken in SmartForm PDF (Tasks/Certificates)
4264392 Incomplete workflow details appear in Executed PDF for Certificates when Planned/Preservation Workflow Types are used
2805273 Certificates Module Pending Task Exceptions - No field logs for group exception
3122087 Grounding Rep Step - Username and Date not Populating in Grounding Tab of Asset
3159521 Copy Document - Disable File Upload button to inform user record create first
4249784 Incorrect E-Signatures appear in executed PDF for Certificate | Two Sign-off (Submit, complete & auto-close)
4186123 NOE Questionnaire - Image Not Saving in Picture Step
3055218 Sorting with task ID shows PR-9999 as highest when more than 9999 tasks created
2935981 Preservations Set to Monthly Recurrence on 30th Day Skipped February
4253245 TOP Package Not Filtering TOP System/Location WBS Assignment (4198180)
4281715 Responsible Company Blank in TOC but Still Showing in TOPContents (4230447)
4281721 Punchlist DataSheet - Sometimes Fails With PDF File Attachments (4279874)
4264392 Incomplete workflow details appear in Executed PDF for Certificates when Planned/Preservation Workflow Types are used (4247361)
4281594 When a Task has been reset, you must render the forms twice to generate a QR code (4276634)