2889219 Inspections with 3, 4, 5 6, 8 or 9 Input-Text, Numeric or Checkbox - Checkbox Inconsistencies During Task Execution.
3003975 Paper Completed Certificate with Exceptions- Cannot Close from Hyperlink.
4041726 Import to Remove Documents - "Removed By" Not Recorded in Purge/Restore Manager.
2434086 Documents - File Size Search in Bytes not MB as Specified.
2588549 Near Misses - Digital form not generating all steps in form.
4103971 Skyline data is incorrect - completed punchitems are showing as pending.
3651323 Hazardous Are Dossier - Use Project Specific Logos
3988449 Analogue Inputs Loop and Calibration Inspection Steps - "is N/A" Control Not Working
4085853 SaaS - Inspection with Input 1 & 2 (Numeric) With EU - Ω Symbols Not Saving in SmartForm when Entered
4093811 Comments appear out of the box on NOE datasheet
3749853 vTransmittals - New Transmittal ID's Are Not Instance Aware
2650243 Safety Isolations by Assets - Isolation ID Column pulling Pres & Planned tasks
2650269 Update Isolation Steps in Iso Model only works for removing, not adding steps
4045967 WebAPI not returning @odata.nextLink when record count is greater than 200
4047743 Upload Punch Images - Different Rights Required When Using General Tab vs Image Tab
4175874 Update Deployment Script such that Punchlists are not Modified when updating sites
4177615 QR Codes not loading in Smart Form PDFs
4173998 Unable Print (Bulk or Single) PR Task Datasheets Using Print for Execution Feature
3816334 Asset Type Model Added to Asset Type After Asset Creation Exposes Tab, but Data Does not Save
2865355 Flag Managers as Site/Instance/Project Aware & Warn Users Before Making Changes
4089630 Task Model - Some Forms Will Not Render
4131697 NOE Energization/Energisation Spelling
4113059 The Message section of emails removes spacing and brings all the content into a single line
4101683 Preservations Not Instantiating - Users Missing Create Right to vInspections_Completion.
4175306 Limit user to generate an export if the same export is already being processed. (4122889)
4197197 Beta Feedback - Documents Revision History Failing
4199209 Beta feedback issues : Assurance certificate Two Sign-off with Auto Close and Single Sign-off
4200136 Exports - reduce default time to 2min
4200382 Review & ensure all OSS components are reflected in about box