New Features and Improvements - Intergraph Smart Completions - Intergraph Smart Completions 6.0 - Release Notes/Bulletin

Intergraph Smart Completions Release Notes

Intergraph Smart Completions
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Release Notes/Bulletin
Smart Completions Version
  • Request for Information (RFI):

    • Automatically close child RFIs when splitting an RFI for streamlined RFI management and improved efficiency. For more information, see Split an RFI. (4036525)

  • Work Packages:

    • The work package datasheet has been enhanced by reorganizing the information and adding the HIRA details. For more information, see Work Package Datasheet. (3945553)

    • Work Package IDs now use work package type abbreviation, work package discipline name, and unique ID. for more information, see Create Work Packages. (4007267)

  • The Certificate Completions Details by Type and Systemization report is enhanced to display the tasks and punchlists grouped by systemization. For more information, see Assurance Certificates Types. (3969433)

  • Inspection step for the Pipe Pack Installation now shows a comma separated list of P&IDs and ISOMETRIC drawings in the two asset related cells. Revisions are now displayed after each drawing and up to 3 characters of the revision number will be displayed. (3883114)

  • Smart Completions administrators can now import preservations with recurrence. For more information, see Preservations, by Assets. (4049313)

  • You can now create a rework task with a single click. The system will automatically copy the contents of all tabs, allowing you to edit the information as needed. For more information, see Rework a task. (4062714)

  • You can now export the Systemization - Subsytem Priority field for Punchlists. (4066551)