2514563 Spare part record usage log does not update
2705099 Skyline - Date Filters Jump Date; Weekly Timeline Missing 2023 / Column Bar Error
2852520 Remove EXECUTE button in the below modules: Pipe Pack, Cable Pack, Vendor Pack, Asset by Tasks, and Loop Modules
2927444 Completed/Closed RFI's not filtered out in Pending RFIs tab in certificates
3031096 Task TOC's Only Include Planned Forms if Completed Forms Checked Yes
3039842 Pipe Pack manager - Nameplate/Asset Filter not Working in Navigation Panel
3049049 On-Demand Setting not Copying When Copying Task Models to Another Project
3074468 Action Registry Types - Unable to Delete a record
3117069 Job Packages - Task Tab in Secondary Pane not Displaying Tasks
3134021 Scheduled Exports to sFTP not Running if too Large and have Time Conversion/Date Format in CSV Not Honouring Region Setting
3209673 Import button not working in vAssetPacksCable manager
3234221 Punchlist workflow is skipped if name misspelled in the import file
3250601 Unable to trigger punchlists when step action character limit crosses 600
3536221 @wfstate added in email body creating spaces in the email
3553549 PL created from task smartform are not getting auto-assigned to the CERT
3553555 Unable to import closing task data to batch close the tasks with single sign-off
3565799 On Demand Task Requires Asset When Created From TM Set to Location Type – Plant
3567987 Unable to download task attachments in the zipped folder (Work Package Manager)
3595177 Greater than Character "<" Used in Task Description Disables HyperLink in Notification Email
3605786 Purged Certificate ID's Cannot be Imported for Use Again