Known Issues - Intergraph Smart Completions - Intergraph Smart Completions Update 4 - Release Notes/Bulletin

Intergraph Smart Completions Release Notes

Intergraph Smart Completions
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Release Notes/Bulletin
Smart Completions Version
  • 4460131 Beta Feedback: New Ux: Data is sorting on partially downloaded data, hence upon search on ascending and descending toggle fails

    Problem: The grid in the new user interface currently loads only 200 records at a time. When sorting in ascending or descending order, it only sorts the loaded data instead of the entire dataset.

    Solution: We are planning to fix this in our next update release.

  • 4473477 New UX - ISC : Documentation link is navigating user to Help with previous release Version

    Problem: In the new user interface, selecting Help > Documentation navigates to the Help documentation for the previous release, Version 6.0.1.

    Solution: To access the current release documentation, change the release version dropdown in the header of your Help book. Refer to the image below for guidance on locating the version dropdown.