Import - You can copy the user settings of one user to another. You need to configure the import file before you can copy the settings. For more information, see Copy user settings while importing. (3881819)
Inspection Steps - You can configure the client hold point for an inspection step of a planned task. For more information, see Inspection Points/Steps. (3907838)
Safety lockout form - You can use an alternate form option to use Mongolian language supported Lockout form. For more information, see Safety Isolations Development. (3964633)
For vImports and vRFIs managers: Batch de-linking of tags and tasks is available while using the import function. (3815182)
Smart Completions administrators can now separate "Reset" and "Close" permission for field users, restricting them to close tasks only. (3700656)
You can execute tasks that are checked out to you in a SaaS application. (4014665)
A new icon is introduced for the Project Communication module. (4002593)
While importing the tags using the SDx/SPO Connector, you can now use your custom relationship expansions for relating tags to documents. (4023607)
Users cannot edit the images attached to a closed punchlist and a closed non-compliance; however, a user with manage rights can change the images attached to them. (4006828)