Obtain the certificate thumbprint value using IIS Manager
You need to have Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager installed in your system.
Open IIS Manager > Server Certificates.
Select Create Self-Signed Certificate from the Actions menu.
Type the name for the certificate, and select OK.
Right-click on the created certificate, select Properties.
Go to Details tab, and scroll down until you find Thumbprint field.
Copy the Value of Thumbprint and paste it in your On-premise installation setup.
Update Certificate information
If you are using the Smart Completions authentication server as your identity server, you must add the certificate information to configuration files.
Update appsettings.json
Open the appsettings.json file.
In the SCAuth section, update the Issuer and storeThumbprint properties with the information for your signed certificate. For example:
"SCAuth": {
"Issuer": "https://<BASE_URL>/api/Authentication.asmx",
Update web.config at application root
Open the web.config file in the application's <root-directory> directory.
Add the appSettings properties, as follows:
<add key="SCAuth:storeThumbprint" value="<SELF-SIGNED-CERT_THUMBPRINT-VALUE>"/>
Update web.config at API root
Open the web.config file in the application's <root-directory>/API folder.
Add the appSettings properties, as follows:.
<add key="SCAuth:storeThumbprint" value="<SELF-SIGNED-CERT_THUMBPRINT-VALUE>"/>