Define settings for a Smart API Manager identity provider - Intergraph Smart Completions - Intergraph Smart Completions Update 17 - Installation & Upgrade

Intergraph Smart Completions Installation (5.3.17)

Intergraph Smart Completions
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Installation & Upgrade
Smart Completions Version

To use Smart API Manager (SAM) as the IdP for the API, you must update the following configuration files for the Smart Completions Smart API:

  • appsettings.json

  • sam.json

Some of the settings you simply need to verify, others you will have to add or change.

Update appsettings.json

  1. Open the appsettings.json file.

  2. Make sure the Hexagon.SmartAPI > Services section has the correct properties and values, such as UriPrefix, ServiceId, ServiceAudience, and ServiceSecret. For example:

    Hexagon.SmartApi": {

    "Services": [


    "UriPrefix": "smartapi/v1",

    "ServiceId": "<SAM_Server_Application_Id>",

    "ServiceAudience": "<SAM_Server_Application_Id>",

    "ServiceSecret": "<SAM_Server_Server_Secret>",

    "InstanceName": "Windows-Instance"



    "UriPrefix": "DataLake/v1",

    "ServiceId": "<SAM_Server_Application_Id>"




  3. In the OAuth section, update the Issuer property with the URL for your Smart API Manager instance. For example:

    "OAuth": {"Issuer": "https://<SAM_ISSUER_URL>/oauth"}

    Where SAM_ISSUER_URL is the server name and path to the oauth resource, for example:

Update sam.json

  1. Open the sam.json configuration file, under the SC > Client path.

  2. Update the TokenIssuers section as needed. For example:


    "TokenIssuers": [


    "TokenIssuerUri": "<tenant-Id>/v2.0",

    "Id": "<Client-Id>",

    "Secret": "<Client-secret>",

    "IsInternal": "false",

    "Scope": ""





    • TokenIssuerUri - The Issuer URI provided by Smart API Manager during app registration.

    • ID - The Client ID provided by Smart API Manager.

    • Secret - The Client secret from Smart API Manager.

    • IsInternal - Must be set to false.

    • Scope - The Smart API Service ID from Smart API Manager.