What are the best practices for Import Templates - Intergraph Smart Completions - Intergraph Smart Completions Update 18 - Help - Hexagon

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Smart Completions offers Import Templates for commonly imported managers. When provided, templates are delivered under a column in the primary view panel.


Splitting big spreadsheets into smaller chunks

Breaking import data into smaller files allow for higher accuracy and efficiency, but it also increases the number of files needed. For instance, there are over 1,000 available fields for assets. It may be helpful to import asset IDs and OEM data, then run a separate import for child/parent relationships.

Allowing the system to assign IDs

For certain managers, we recommend allowing the system to assign IDs. This does not apply to certain modules such as Assets and Documents, which have unique IDs assigned to the project. However, task IDs and punchlists could possibly already contain a record with an ID assigned in the spreadsheet. Importing against an existing record will either fail to update/import the data, or will overwrite it when chosen through collision behavior.

Before Importing any Data

Ensure that the project has been created. Define all Disciplines. The Disciplines link and sort dropdowns in the software for greater ease of use. While it is possible to add disciplines to project data afterwards, project configuration will be much faster if every spreadsheet assigns the discipline to the records. The same applies to Project data. If assets are imported without a project, this can be fixed through batch editing. It is much faster and easier, though, to simply add the Project Summary to each spreadsheet.

Efficient Order of Imports

The order in which data is imported can also help to streamline the process. Each Asset must be assigned an asset type. Importing the asset types first will save time and eliminate batch editing. We recommend the following:

  1. Define Disciplines, create project. Ensure images have been added to the project.

  2. Import Systemization tree (PBS)

  3. Import Work Breakdown Tree (WBS)

  4. Import Location Tree, if using (LBS)

  5. Import Asset Types

  6. Import Document Types

    1. If you include a column with Document Categories in the spreadsheet, the system will automatically create those Categories in the Manager.

  7. Import Companies and Resources

  8. Import Document List and details (make sure to include their Asset Types)

  9. Import Assets

    1. Import a list of Asset tags with project, systemization, asset type, and OEM data

    2. Import Asset parent/child data

    3. Import the asset list to assign documents

  10. Import Loops and Packs

  11. Import Loop Devices and Pack Assets

  12. Import Task Models

  13. Import Inspection Steps

Renaming Assets

Names and IDs are required fields in Imports. Therefore, any new IDs imported will be treated as a new record. We've added a number of separate imports in the event an ID must be renamed. For instance, if an asset tag must be changed from one name to a different one, you would choose the "Assets Renaming" import. List the current tag in the database against the new tag to overwrite it.

Removing Data in a Field

To eliminate errors that erase needed data, Imports will not overwrite a field with an empty value, even if the Collision behavior is set to overwrite. If you need to remove data from a field, the imported field should include "null," to tell the system to set the field to zero.