New Features and Improvements - Intergraph Smart Completions - Smart Completions Android Update 24 - Release Notes/Bulletin - Hexagon

Intergraph Smart Completions Android Release Notes

Intergraph Smart Completions
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Release Notes/Bulletin
Smart Completions Version

In this release:

  • You are now able to generate Datasheets from assets, tasks, and punchlists modules. Currently, you can render asset datasheet, punchlist datasheet, and task datasheet. For more informaion, see Managers in Android Application. CR-AM-173487.

  • You can now compress the images to a size of 3MB before uploading them to the assets or punchlist modules. CR-AM-181281.

  • A new look is introduced to the Smart Completions android application through application icon and a splash screen. CR-AM-182102,CR-AM-183115, and CR-AM-182103.