New Features and Improvements - Intergraph Smart Completions - Smart Completions Android Update 23 - Release Notes/Bulletin - Hexagon

Intergraph Smart Completions Android Release Notes (5.3.23)

Intergraph Smart Completions
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Release Notes/Bulletin
Smart Completions Version

In this release:

You can now use the android application while you are offline. The offline capabilities are listed below:

  • View, edit, search, and browse for assets information. For more information, see Assets Manager.

  • Search and browse for documents. For more information, see Documents.

  • View, edit, create, copy, search, and browse for punchlists. For more information, see Punchlists.

  • Customize the workflow states in Punchlists. For more information, see Punchlists.

  • You can now create a punchlist from the task summary page. For more information, see how to edit a punchlist from an associated task in Tasks.

  • Execute a planned task offline. For more information, see Tasks.

  • View, edit, search, and browse for tasks. For more information, see Tasks.

  • Use sync manager at its full capacity in offline to sync to upload, sync to download, check in, check out all modification done in offline mode. For more information, see Using Sync Manager.

  • Clear data on device using the android application in offline mode. For more information, see Clear the data on your device.

  • Upload the api logs, sync logs, error logs using the sync manager. For more information, see Upload the API and the Error log files.

  • Get location of assets, tasks, and punchlists.

  • Configure Smart Completions using azure authentication from update 15. For more information, see Configure Smart Completions using Azure Authentication.

  • Mange your access when your application crashes or logs you out while you are offline. For more information, see Know what to do when your application locks you out.

  • You can now customize the field names of assets, documents, tasks, and punchlist modules according to the required settings of your organization. For more information, see Dynamic labeling.

  • With just a toggle you can include completed items in list view of tasks and punchlists.

  • You can now filter out the checked out records by you in the tasks and punchlists list view pages respectively.

  • You are now notified with the username, when you try to check out a tag which is already checked out by another user.

  • You are now notified when you move from online to offline working modes or otherwise.

  • You are now prompted to upgrade to a latest version of Smart API with update 15 when you are on unsupported versions.