You can view the assets created in SaaS and can make changes to them in the SCC application.
Click Assets to view the assets and its properties in a list view.
The search for check out C/O column is disabled for assets.
Click on the row to open the Asset Details page.
View and modify asset images
Click on the asset image to see it in actual size.
In the Asset Details page, you can view the Verified on Doc? and Verified on Field? information under the Primary Data section.
In the Edit asset page, do the following to add, delete, or update an asset image:
- Click to take a picture using the camera on your device.
- Click to choose an image file (in BMP/PNG format) from the file system of the device.
- Select the image to delete and click on Delete icon.
You can upload an image of size up to 3 MB.
When you are unable to capture images using device camera, switch the In-App Camera toggle to capture the images. This is a one time setting activity and then application restarts by default.
The Assets Module allows you to:
View all Assets associated within a project
View Asset Datasheets
View all associated Document tags
You can search for a specific asset using column search and Search Assets option. To enhance your search experience, you can now multi-select the available search options lists. See Using Search in SCC for more details.
View and verify documents from asset list view
Method 1:
Click on the document icon from the asset list view page.
Click on an asset, and then click on Documents tab.
You are directed to the documents tab of the asset details form.
In the Documents tab, click on the document icon to view the PDF. The number of documents related to an asset are shown in the parenthesis beside the documents.
You can now view third party documents available in the third party document management system both online and offline.
Select the PDF icon for the document you want to view. The document opens. To close the document and return to the asset select the Back icon and then the Assets tab.
Method 2:
Click on the document URL icon to view the document on a new tab of the web browser.
The assets can be searched by :
Asset Tag
Document Tag
Document description
Asset Type
Document type