Execution of Certificates - Intergraph Smart Completions - Intergraph Smart Completions Android Update 4 - Help - Hexagon

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  • Select Steps Completion tab to view the smart form associated with the certificate.

    certificate summary

  • In the PL column, you can view and execute the punchlists associated with the step actions of a smart form.

    You can execute the punchlists that are associated with the smart form in offline mode too.

  • In the smart form, you can remove the dynamically created punchlist using the Remove Step. For more information, see Inspection Points/Steps.

    Certificate remove step

  • Using SCC, you can only execute the step actions associated with the certificate smart form and save it.

    • In online mode, the saved changes in the smart form get updated in SaaS application by default.

    • In offline mode, the saved changes in the smart form get updated to the SaaS application during the subsequent sync.

  • Irrespective of the user rights, the workflow buttons (Submit, Verify, Complete, and Close) are disabled in the certificate smart form in both online and offline modes.

    disable buttons steps completion

    • The certificate execution (such as Submit, Verify, Complete, and Close) can be done only through the SaaS application.

    • The certificate execution using PIN is also hidden in the smart form.

  • The dependencies for the completion of a certificate can be viewed under the Certificate Dependencies Status section in the smart form.

    Dependency header

    During offline execution, the Certificate Dependencies Status section is hidden in the smart form.