Select Steps Completion tab to view the smart form associated with the certificate.
In the PL column, you can view and execute the punchlists associated with the step actions of a smart form.
You can execute the punchlists that are associated with the smart form in offline mode too.
Using SCC, you can only execute the step actions associated with the certificate smart form and save it.
In online mode, the saved changes in the smart form get updated in SaaS application by default.
In offline mode, the saved changes in the smart form get updated to the SaaS application during the subsequent sync.
Irrespective of the user rights, the workflow buttons (Submit, Verify, Complete, and Close) are disabled in the certificate smart form in both online and offline modes.
The certificate execution (such as Submit, Verify, Complete, and Close) can be done only through the SaaS application.
The certificate execution using PIN is also hidden in the smart form.
The dependencies for the completion of a certificate can be viewed under the Certificate Dependencies Status section in the smart form.
During offline execution, the Certificate Dependencies Status section is hidden in the smart form.