Connecting to Smart Completions Server using SCC - Intergraph Smart Completions - Intergraph Smart Completions Android 6.0.1 - Help - Hexagon

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The process for Smart Completions SCC Application Configuration is outlined below:

  1. Download the Smart Completions CCMS SCC Application from the Android App Store.

  2. Configure Application Settings.

    In order to configure the Smart Completions CCMS Application you must know the URL of your Smart Completions site

  3. Select the Application from your Android handset Home screen to open. A splash screen opens before you login.


  4. The login home page is displayed with the screen name Login to Smart Completions.

    QR login home

  5. Select plus icon to open Add New Server Options.

    Add server plus option

  6. Select your preference of Enter Server Details by providing the URL manually or by using a Scan a QR code option.

  7. On selecting Enter Server Details option, Add Server pop-up is displayed.

    Add server url page

    1. Enter a name in the Server Name box.

    2. Enter the site URL in the Server URL box.

      • Your Smart Completions site URL may begin with ‘http’ or ‘https’ and this will need to be entered correctly. If you are unsure, please contact your Smart Completions Administrator.

      • You must create a unique server name and/ or server URL at all times. If there already exists a server name or server URL which you wish to create, the system responds with an error message stating 'Server name/URL exists'.

      • When you are on an unsupported server, an error message "An out of date server API has been detected. Please contact your administrator." is displayed for you to upgrade to the latest server.

      • After entering the server details, you can Generate a QR Code and also Download QR Code for the same.

    3. Tap Save.

  8. Select Scan a QR Code to launch the camera, and then scan the QR Code. Also, you can use Upload from Device Gallery option.

    Scan QR upload page

  9. Upon scanning a QR code or uploading a QR code from the device gallery, the Results pop-up is displayed.

    Scan QR results

  10. Select Add Server to proceed. You can also Download QR Code for the server details added.

  11. Select icon to open the Edit Server pop-up, where you can edit the server details.

    Edit server page

    • You can also Generate a QR Code for the edited server details and also Download QR Code for the same.

    • An alert message is displayed to confirm the action when you Remove the server details. Select your preference to proceed.

      Remove server alert

  12. Upon adding the servers details, follow these steps to Login to Smart Completions:

    credentials page login

    1. Select the site name from the Current Server list.

    2. Enter Username and Password.

    3. Tap Login button.

    4. The CCMS Mobile Application Homepage is displayed.


      1. Tap on your User Profile > Logout.

      End Session

      1. When you logout, you are redirected to the login page.

      2. Tap End SSO Session to clear the cache on the device.

        End Session

      3. A dialog box pops-up asking to End all Sessions?.

        End all Sessions

      4. Tap End SSO Session.

        This will completely end your session, and if you have to log in, you will have to provide your user credentials for authentication.

      In a scenario, where in you are to share your device with other field engineers, you can use End Session option which will erase all the cache of your authentications on the device.